Why Owls? Animal Symbols and the Occult
What's Up with the Compasses? Are Masonic Symbols Occult?
Why is "Do as Thou Wilt" Satanic?
Jordan Peterson and the Occult, A Review of Vox Day's Jordanetics Part 1: Gnosis
Jordan Peterson and the Occult, A Review of Vox Day's Jordanetics Part 2: Balance
Jordan Peterson and the Occult, A Review of Vox Day's Jordanetics Part 3: Luciferianism
Satanic Inversions
Physician, Heal Thyself: Automatic Writing, Surrealism, and Occult Psychology
Luciferianism the Marvel Way!
What do you Believe? Introducing the Psychedelic Occult
How the Occult got Psychedelic... That's Psychology's
Psychedelic Morality and Cultural Inversion
The Glamour of Fake Reality
Reading the "Temple"
Pay the Piper, a Psychedelic Fable of Accountability
Speaking Ill of the Dead
The Life of Symbols - Obelisks and the Occult
The Spray of Symbols - Obelisks and the Occult Pt. 2

The Churn of Symbols - Obelisks and the Occult Pt. 3
Follow the White Rabbit
Variations and Associations, or Don't Follow the White Rabbit, part 2
Looking Closer at the Pope's Satanic Throne [PST ©]

Prometheus and the Occult Pt. 1 - The Set-Up
Prometheus and the Occult Pt. 2 - Ancient Incoherence & Modern Delusion
Prometheus and the Occult Pt. 3 - Medieval Errors
Prometheus and the Occult Pt. 4: Inverting Creation in the Renaissance
Prometheus and the Occult: Modernism, Postmodernism, Prometheanism
What Happened to the Gothic?!? Moral Inversion and "Medieval" Fiction
Who is Hermes Trismegistus? Occult Roots of Globalism
Who is Hermes Trismegistus? Part 2 - Renaissance Hermeticism and the Dance of Symbols
Who is Hermes Trismegistus? Part 3 - Lies, Hermeticism and a "God" in Man's Image
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