A collection of posts on how and what we can we know
Knowledge vs. Postmodern Knowledge, pt. 1
Knowledge vs. Postmodern Knowledge, pt. 2: Science vs. Postmodern "Science"
Knowledge vs. Postmodern Knowledge, pt. 3: Faith and Epistemology in the West
History and Postmodern "History" Pt. 1: The Roots of History in the West
History and Postmodern "History" Pt. 2: History and Epistemology
History and Postmodern "History" Pt.3: What's Wrong with Postmodern History
Postmodern History coda: Is Postmodernism Satanic?
A Sinister Light or Enlightenment Globalism and Really Fake Truth
Blinded by the Light: The Promise and Failure of English Empiricism
The Trouble with Aristocrats: Progress, Aesthetics, and English Gardens
Seeing the Pattern - Progress and Vanity
Allegory and Entropy: What does a Fallen World Look Like?
Allegory and Entropy Revisited: Reality and Mathematical Reality
Modernism vs. the Art of the West pt. 1: Logos and Pathos in Technê
Truth and the Opposite: Approaching the Christian West
Look Up! Vertical Logos and the Dawn of the West

Time and the Applicability of History

Realities of Time
The Applicability of Philosophy: Being and Time
How Words Mean - the Power of Symbolic Communication
How Pictures Mean. It isn't "Discourse"
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