Monday 7 October 2024

Information Processing and Functional Speciation

Why so few seem able to exit the House of Lies. 
If you are new to the Band, this post is an introduction to the point of this blog that needs updating. Older posts are in the archive on the right. Shorter occult posts and other topics have menu pages above. 
Comments are welcome, but moderated for obvious reasons. If you don't see it right away, don't worry. We check and it will be up there.

Toni Carmine Salerno, oil painting from The Path of Light Journal by Anthony Salerno

Aristotle briefly noted at the start of his Rhetoric that some people can’t be instructed. Which is another way of saying that they can’t learn from given information. Recent events suggest this is a majority. A recent Substack post on conflating binaries that look similar brought this kind of framing to mind. [Learn/can’t learn] is this sort of classificatory binary. Two opposing polarities that truthfully describe something about general human nature. And relate to other descriptive binaries in ways that aren’t perfectly identical. For example, the common NPC meme and my own Functionally Two Species (FTS) model. The follow-up question is why this matters.

The problem with treating similar things as the same is that the difference exists. 

The whole point of the Substack post is that isomorphic forms are easily taken for homologous content. It "looks" the same so it is the same. It's another version of that form/content problem.

In reality, formal similarity can cover diametric inversion.

There’s information in finding out how things relate that can be important for understanding. Even recognizing when there are unknowable factors in play. All three of the binaries apply to the same apparent mass insanity. It’s fair to say that [can’t learn from information] or CLI  is a central process behind the NPC and FTS-2 groups. And there’s the first distinction. Learning is a process. The others are categories. It’s worth looking at the text to be certain.

From the opening…

Aristotle, Rhetoric, book 1, 1, translated by W. Rhys Robert

It's not subtle, but easy to pass over. His interest is how rhetoric reaches people, not why most are functionally retarded.

To note differences, be attentive to specifics. What is meant by “learning”? Obvious question, but worth being clear. The ability to change in some way on the basis of direct or indirect experience. “In some way” broadly defined as beliefs, attitudes, behavior, specific actions, etc. And direct or indirect experience to cover all possible information vectors. The idea of change is important. Almost anyone can follow directions when there aren’t other options. “Exit here”, for example. Everyone also has a base level of functional knowledge acquired somehow. Work tasks, or basic life skills.

Learning is uptaking new knowledge or understanding and responding accordingly going forward. Assimilating data into a coherent evolving world view. 

Except for FRS-1s it's an ongoing process. More of a spiral than a cycle because it keeps moving onward and upward.

It's sort of like this, but not so smooth and regular. Real life has much more jagged learning patterns. But the spiral does capture the cumulative, progressive nature of the learning process for those capable of doing so.

Making the inability to learn not being able to to uptake new knowledge and change or respond accordingly going forward. No evolving understanding of the world based on a growing knowledge base. Only a base level grasp from directions or early formation that doesn’t change. Even when contradictory information is clearly understood intellectually. 

So learning from information is a process while FTS-2 and NPC are categories

To equalize them, we'd have to refer to [people who can’t learn from information]. Break down the differences. Categorically, FTS-2s are narrative huffers. That covers a range from some autonomy within the House of Lies parameters to full-blown NPCs. The NPC is the low-agency subset of FTS-2.  

There are levels to this that are too detailed for more than a mention. Some can make adjustments within a frame of reference but ricochet off when the frame comes into question. If you’ve experienced it, it seems like a weird mental glitch / reset that’s actually noticeable.

The person can be with you for a long conversation. Even asking the questions and making the observations that correlate to getting it. But then the thread drifts too close to a substructure foundation stone and it’s like hitting an electric fence. The train of thought vanishes and comprehension resets to the starting point. It’s jarring to experience. The [bzzzzttt … reset] is visible in the micro-expressions. But all levels have some degree of mental blockage around information absorption. Aristotle would differentiate the quality levels of their thought along the CLI axis. I’m simplifying for a short post.

CLI the process applies to FTS-2 narrative huffing, both in advanced and NPC forms. So FTS-2 is a subset of [people who can't learn from information]. It's possible all of them are FTS-2s - the difference is categorical parameters. FTS-2 refers specifically to accepting House of Lies narrative as reality. No doubt there are people that can't learn from information that don't. So for discussion, FTS-2 are the population where CLI is applied to beast media and institutional delusion bubble. And NPCs are the more CLI side.  

The Orator, late 2nd-early 1st century BC, Etruscan bronze, 179 cm, Florence, National Archaeological Museum 

The Rhetoric focuses on persuasion - Aristotle frames it in terms of his day, but the conclusions are universal.  The point of rhetorical - as opposed to dialectical or logical - communication is to persuade without relying on content quality. If only some are reachable through information and all are susceptible to emotional appeal … The rest follows.

He doesn’t lay it out like this but it’s easy to infer. Dialectical thought assesses the truth of syllogisms, enthymeme is central to persuasion, and enthymeme is structurally syllogistic.

So if rhetoric is persuasion that doesn’t involve dialectical truth judgments, information quality is not relevant to it. It can be truthful, but “truth value” isn’t part of its intrinsic properties. On the other hand, it’s easy to spot the informationless motion as the fruit flies flit from laser pointer to laser pointer.

It’s like unconnected tracks. In the abstract at least. Obviously everyone has some capacity to absorb usable information at various times in their lives - work skills, driving, taking a shower, operating the screens, etc. Where this basic life knowledge level is depends on cognitive profile but it's not 1 to 1. The reality distortion effects of accepting the House of Lies prima fascie means normalizing contradiction and absurdity. It leads to some weird behavioral twists over time. Why they're the way they are is less practically important than the fact they are. So tiers of FTS-2 roughly stratified by that base functional knowledge. 

Low-level FTS-2s - credulous morons, NPCs, continually self-pwning low Gammas, etc. - don't show any real signs of learning from information at all. They float through life at whatever base knowledge level they run on until hitting something that would require learning something to understand. 

At which point they shoot poison, virtue signal cultural degeneration, radically reverse supposedly core beliefs, and other ghastly errors. 

These are the masses that fruit fly from one incoherent pack of lies to the next. Narrative engineers simply add destructive commands to the upload - there's no possibility of seeing through them at all. Not even an excuse or evasive hand waving for the older positions because that is a form of learning and memory. There's essentially no recollection. Rabid sociopathy during covid might as well never have happened.

Fear-driven behavior is a big part of this. Heightened emotion is essentially an altered state in terms of thinking. Like being high, crazy things can seem perfectly rational. When the state is passed and thought returns to normal, the experience is distanced by the craziness. It seems implausible to the fruit fly that had been consumed by it. The low-level NPC version of CLI is...

Total separation of [what I "know"] from [what I’m informed of

Often accessorized with dull-witted arrogance. Glowing screens = Truth is part of the base code, so the fear signals are indisputable. But it's not information-based in the sense of something to consider. It’s virtually impossible to make any progress with these ones unless they have a specific interest in something you know. 

The [with you, with you, reset] types are more cognitively functional. The [with you] parts imply some information uptake capacity. These ones sometimes do skill development things like switch careers. But the reset point is no different from the low-level collision with learning. Interestingly, when this happens, the new information is dumped and awareness resets to the starting assumptions. So not really that different in outcome.

High-level FRS-2s are more functional narrative huffers. The differences in ability makes it easy to see them as different from the NPCs. The larger effects of CLI makes the differences cosmetic.

But both have a discursive substructure of base functional knowledge that seems conscious but works like a subconscious. Discursive because it is made up of bits of knowledge learned at some point. Driving, data entry, and football aren't intuitive. But the contours stay fixed or changes very incrementally - independent of new knowledge. Pieces of information may or may not be assessed superficially. But they won’t impact the substructure and are soon dumped. Sometimes the conversation is even forgotten. 

Gerard (Geert) Hendrik Hofstede's cultural onion model is more interesting for its structure than his specific categories. Terms can be quibbled over endlessly - we're not endorsing him as Truth. It's the idea of cultural practices expressing core cultural values through different layers that is insightful. Whatever categories are preferred, it more or less gets how the substructure works. If how it forms or changes over time is put aside.

The relation looks like this. Two points.

1. The sub/superstructure relationship is not the same as conscious/unconscious. The substructure includes subconscious assumptions, but also involves conscious activity. Orthogonal descriptions of human activity.

2. How they relate is central to CLI.

People who can learn from information - basically FTS-1s - interface between the super and substructures. Information can change base beliefs and assumptions. And that guides a changing engagement with the world.

Set it time, this can lead to a growing and developing understanding. Whether it does depends on the person. But the possibility is there. Graphically, it looks like this.

In contrast,  the CLI types lock the substructure at some point. Things they experience or see have no impact on their base assumptions or beliefs.  

It's a bit of an overstatement because obviously things do trickle into the substructure somehow. But on a daily operating level, the two seem completely detached. Years of discussions with family boomers reverting to decades-old opinions is an IRL example. Every visit following the same pointless dance no matter what the current situation.

Put it together and the comparison looks like this.

Functionally two species.

Aristotle’s point is a familiar one to us today. The CLIs can only be persuaded rhetorically. By appeals to emotion. By feels. And that explains how FTS-2s will change their behavior because of the glowing screen without being able to learn. "Learn" defined as assimilate new information into a coherent evolving understanding. Of anything, really. Psychologists call this accommodation - ability to change  beliefs by assimilating new information. There can't be assimilation because CLI means no substantive information uptake. When the implications are thought through, this explains a lot of  behavior patterns.

When an NPC masks up and shoots himself repeatedly with poison, he hasn’t added new biochemical or medical knowledge. Asking what's in the Science Juice is not thinkable, Likewise the blue and yellow flag doesn’t accompany developing awareness of geopolitics. Which is why the self-mortification rituals can be dropped without a second thought, let alone lasting impact. Nothing was learned

No information was uptaken in any meaningful way.

What actually happens is an emotional reaction to media stimulus. The House of Lies is a giant delusion bubble that projects a fake reality. Narrative huffers actually live as if it's real - CLI means the internal contradictions and inanities have no real wake-up effect. It's actually bizarre for people who can learn. The idea that you would watch a program and not even register the content seems hard to believe. That's where the thinking the implications through comes in. If you can't learn from information, what the glowing screen says doesn't matter at all. And yet they can't stop watching. They'll even state "being informed" as a priority. Like a sea slug worrying about wind conditions. 

"Communication" occurs on a rhetorical level. 

For whatever reason, their preferred media belong to the substructure. "Facebook" or "the news" isn't conceptualized as an information stream. It's more like a utility - background infrastructure that’s universal in modern life. There's awareness of different companies and fees, but no one questions the value of getting electricity or heat hooked up. It’s just ingrained life knowledge. The TV or social media can't be turned off because the idea of shutting down a utility doesn't even come up.

The substructure is the frame of reference. Unconscious and assumed. It appears to be imprinted in the way childhood imprinting sets behavior patterns. Only with events from later in life as well. These are things that penetrated for some reason and shape the world view. Learning a work skill fits here. 

Note how many NPCs get less willing over time to try and add anything. There's an age-related component. Only so much fits into the magic box, and the substructure never develops. It seems to freeze up completely at some point. Once the cap is hit, learning something like programming the VCR is impossible.

It’s why so many view retirement as psychic death and not finally having the time for all the projects. CLI doesn’t have projects. And work told them what to do.

It isn't clear how this works. The substructure closes gradually between childhood and adulthood. All children learn a pile of functional knowledge beginning with basics like talking and dressing. The exceptions are rare and odd enough to be labeled syndromes. There does appear to be an innate human ability to learn from information. We see the same thing in animals - the cat responding to verbal expressions, for example. Two learning stages there - that human noises correlate to actions and things, then the specific vocabulary. All pretty obvious, but it's important to be very clear at the start when analyzing murky things. Otherwise, the logical conclusion that CLI is at least partly developmental is less obvious.

This isn't a nonsense claim that we all possess the same magic potential. Obviously everyone has a different capacities and aptitudes. The point is that everyone shows the ability to learn from information to a life-altering degree when small. And then most lose it before adulthood. Intelligence qualifiers - learning speed, retention, processing - are secondary to the initial framing. 

Analysis is complicated by the nature of children's formative experiences. Whether basic manners at home or the joys of school, learning and NPC programming aren't substantively different. Variations on following directions and doing as told. There is a split between children that consider why these things are important and those that just follow. The Band generally assumed that was just relative +/- brightness. Though it could be a sign of innate differences in how information is processed and used.

The "do well in school" impulse some kids have - or have forced on them - plays out the same way for FTS-1 and 2 at younger ages. Following direction can get pretty intricate. There are probably subtle differences, but other confounders make them hard to be certain about. [Servile rule following] or [compulsively neat notes and desk] might correlate to limited cognitive autonomy among high academic achievers. But it also correlates to their gender. The process doesn't distinguish.

At some point, a divide opens between those who adapt the things they learn and those who find the idea of learning unthinkable. What stays consistent is some ability to follow direction. A boomer mastering the Locomotion on a cruise for example. An FTS-1 could do the same. So there's a distinction between following direct instructions and actual learning. And the quality that distinguishes them is change in larger understanding, attitude, perspective, etc. Learning from information means being able to use that information to change mentally. To alter the substructure appropriately. We are all products of our culture, but equating [white coat & fluorescent lights] with [blind trust] isn't traditional wisdom. It's projected. Programmed. And if able to learn from information, it can be weighed informationally and found wanting. But if the substructure is fixed, malfeasance and lies won't have an impact.

CLI communication is not information-based in this - or any - way. It runs on emotion, bizarre as that sounds. Bizarre until the incoherence of mass behavior is considered, anyhow. There's a vague impression about the content, but not much. More like a label to indicate the [set of emotional triggers] category than relevant information.

Carl Schleicher, The News, 19th century,  oil on panel

You've all heard blatherers mix events in totally different places or events while mistelling a figment of current narrative. And blathering on with no more than an "oh yeah" if corrected. This is only weird if information exchange is the assumed purpose of the communication. It not even registering confirms it isn't. Facts literally don't matter at all, because facts are bits of information.

But the words aren't just random gibberish. We often call it that for rhetorical effect, but in reality that only applies to the meaning. Proper sentences are used to refer to recognizable topics. They connect to the current narrative as seen on glowing screens. Not on the information level - the information coherence would matter if that were the case. The words are markers or triggers that evoke the current thing. Hearing "pandemic" or "Ukraine" calls up the current active on-screen programming. But there's no real reflective absorption or learning. Otherwise the current thing couldn't be switched out without a trace. What’s transmitted is the feeling that the screens told them to have about the topic. 

Conceptualizing information-less communication is difficult if words are instinctively meaningful. It's why people who can learn from information keep overestimating FTS-2s. The do react to the screens, so it's natural to assume a similar process to one's own. It isn't. 

Infantile simplicity and repetitiveness are two of the many reasons FTS-1s drift away from narrative. But those are information retention and learning processes. CLI completely changes the experience. Fruit-fly tier memories limit interest to the current thing. Lock-box base codes limit complexity to NPC conscious capacity. It has to be simple and repetitive or it loses the target audience.

What the narrative does is rhetorical. It adds emotional shade to the current thing. Whether to feel good or bad about it and to what degree. We've all experienced someone emoting passionately about some au courant triviality they'd recently heard about. That could be written off as general idiocy. What can't is how a far more extreme example of the same offense from outside the current narrative doesn't register at all. Intellectually, for obvious reasons. But not emotionally either, despite apoplexy over a lesser version of the same. 

This indicates the emotional response to the trigger isn't reasoned outrage either. People who can learn from information will become aware of things that upset or offend. Emotional response to the new knowledge. But where the information comes from is irrelevant as long as the source is reliable. CLI means the [information content] isn't part of the emotional response pattern. That’s associative. Calling up whatever group of glowing screens = "being informed" in the substructure. [Factual non-fiction] comes out of the news utility the way [energy] comes out of the electric one. No further thought needed.

This is full-channel manipulation. Selective, slanted, and/or false content on the transcript level. Lots of judgmental word choices and qualifiers. Mood-enhancing music, lighting, tones of voice, and angles. Even the lead-ins and tag lines. At no point is information value assessed. Many have tried to counter media lies in real time with all the impact of a soft sigh in a hurricane. Information might as well be someone murmuring in old Norse through a symphony. Unintelligible and an irritating distraction from the show.

Once "informed", other references call up the associated feelings. That's literally the reward in a CLI conversation. The bonding experience of a shared feeling with a pinch of feeling up to date. It's objectively observable in the inevitable failure of any reply other than some vapid affirmation. "Well, it does seem suspicious that the deaths are so clustered in nursing homes..." doesn't use the standard media words or carry the designated feeling. So it doesn't even register. Pushing the issue slams into the entire fake world view - defensive anger or buffoonish incredulity being common results. 

And as long as it isn't too complex, strong emotions engage the ability to follow direction without touching the substructure. Fear is most effective, but others work as well depending on circumstances. They'll even pressure others to conform. That's the flash mob instant mass zombie-like behavior that's so disconcerting. It's coming from the same place as the [reset to factory settings] effect in the more capable ones. How much goes in the RAM before it gets dumped?

House of Lies narrative organs are often accused of emotionally manipulating their representations of reality. This implies that the information - the representation of reality - plays some partial role. It probably does for FTS-1s - someone has to be able to process for their process to be swayed. But for the CLI audience, factual truth content matters less than the host's suit. It's often completely made up. The emotional shading is the message. 

Consider this...

When FTS-2s show that obsessive need to watch TV or scroll social media, there is no intention to learn or assess. It's not an information transfer process. Broken record, but this CLI is not hyperbole. 

It goes like this...

The conclusion is stark. Content issues have to be abandoned with most people. They're not part of their belief or action decision trees. 

Media communication with the majority of the population is by emotional pulses

It all holds together because the narrative projects the same House of Lies that the huffer thinks is real. The huffer is a subset of the fake reality he believes he's observing. The worldviews line up perfectly. It feels “real”. Feels. Repeating the current thing makes the NPC feel in the know - at least until the next latest transmission clears the last. So a stream of beast consciousness that has to be watched for reasons that have nothing to do with intellectual curiosity. That transmits simple messages designed to trigger emotional reactions. 

Since the uptakes come from a substructure-tier authority, the idea of accuracy doesn’t even compute. The programming is accepted as truthful in the same way as the light switch working. Because its vision reinforces the huffer’s own. But with information content irrelevant, huffers only uptake emotional cues. And then vent the new feelings in the ways the media provides. Essentially following direction without change, not learning. Fear, outrage, or whatever other feeling drives the need to act, not knowledge. If it was learned, it would last. The official ritual just relieves the pressure until the voices tell them they don’t have to be upset anymore. The reason why their behavior seems so psychotic is because there is no learning. Just flailing because the voices they can’t shut off are upsetting them.

This gets us to fake media world. Over time, maintaining the House of Lies pushes its mouthpieces further from reality. Not that the media was ever honest. The early tell should have been it being the media itself spreading the myth of its impartiality. This gets to one of the retardisms that drove childhood alienation. During the age of newspapers, apparently major city dailies had different “slants”. Generally aping the left and right talons of the beast. The logic remains painfully simple. If an organ strives to accurately report events, slant is what it most tries to eliminate. Obviously some bias is inevitable, but it certainly isn’t promoted. Alternatively, if an organ misrepresents for ideological reasons, it definitionally isn’t accurately reporting events. They’re mutually exclusive. You have to pick one. But no one seemed able to see it.  Being breezily told bias is just a normal part of the information dissemination process was an early encounter with FTS-2.

A similar jaw-dropper was being breezily informed as a child that all politicians lie. And than promises aren’t in any way binding. But I was also told politicians represented the people and acted on their behalf. And no one seemed to find the mutual exclusivity problematic in any way. CLI clears these up. The structural assumptions are substratum. [Democracy represents] belongs to the the preconscious reflexive world view. Individual instances of lying are pieces of information. Common enough perhaps to be noted. But not able to inform the underlying foundation.

Can’t say how dishonest older media was - assume it was pretty terrible. Over the last 40 years, the entire media ecosystem has moved steadily into clown unreality. Not just big tech and media - the entire mainstream fake world view. The media bubble moves in lockstep with clown world malevolence and mendacity. That’s the House of Lies. A vertically integrated immersive false reality. Just without internal consistency or coherence because it’s made of demented whims. What was missing in our account was the hook that kept the FTS-2s from drifting. The assumption was a mix of mindless conditioning and fruit-fly tier memories. Didn’t mention it in the older posts, but that was never a fully satisfying explanation. CLI is. The glowing screens are unreflective, preconscious substrata. It’s not information they communicate. It’s feelings. 

This is why the glowing screens never let them down. The screens are taken as independent of their content. Like transmission lines. It’s hard for the sentient to wrap our heads around it, but FTS-2 see the House of Lies the way we do material reality. 

Institutions are trusted producers of knowledge, havens of expertise, and custodians of the public good. Government is freely elected and the only corruption is what gets mentioned in media. Putin is raving as Russia loses infinity men. And so on. It’s so extreme, that small talk is impossible around current events. The odd time a changing story is noted, they assume a mistake or “incompetence”. That [the media] is complicit is beyond contemplation. How could it be? It’s like the road being responsible for drunk drivers. 

The organs of the House of Lies control the huffers with pulses of feeling. This triggers direction-following mode to alleviate the emotional pressure. Herd dynamics amplify the compulsion. It’s why angry defensiveness results when challenged. They literally don’t know why what they’re doing is important beyond poorly understood screen impressions. Obviously lasting change occurs over time. But it isn’t learned through conscious information assimilation. Some is biological - personalities alter as we age to some degree. The rest is conditioned. Each spasm has an effect of some kind. Traumatic, sensitizing, or training in some way. Over time, huffers can be nudged into new attitudes without ever considering a thing. Which isn't learning in Aristotle’s sense either.

Keep in mind Aristotle lived around 2400 years ago. And remained prominent through the Middle Ages. CLI not only isn't new. It should have snuffed the entire universal equalism beast fantasy at birth. The absurd pretense that autonomous self-enlightenment was possible. Not only are we not now all free to attain some higher destiny. Most can't remember what they believed last month. 

Jean Huber, Supper of the Philosophes, 1772, Voltaire Foundation

Anyone familiar with “Enlightenment thought” has had their fill of over-emotional dolts fluffing the wonders of human reason. The similarity with the nonsense blather of today’s clowns is telling. Demented claims, thespian delivery, then proceeding as if the incoherent absurdities really were rational.  

Apotheosis of Claudius, around 54 AD, sardonyx cameo, National Library, Paris

Obviously it was appealing - self-deification usually is. 

But it’s also mind-bendingly stupid for reasons abundantly clear to readers. 

The emotional transmissions move in lockstep with the other pillars of the House of Lies. So that the media message always lines up with what the administrative and institutional sides are doing. This keeps the delusion bubble self-reinforcing even if the specifics are often nonsensical. The narrative can reverse but sequentially - it’s never contradictory. And the trusted authorities are always the trusted authorities, regardless of anything.

 No wonder debunking is irrelevant. A refutation is a logical argument based on … information. In other words, invisible to the FTS-2 feels-based impression formation process. The Chinese fear videos at the start of covid are a great example. They were unusual enough that learners were skeptical. But CLI ignores careful examination because that’s another learning process. Assessing something means building an understanding of it - learning from information - and comparing it to other things - functional memory, learning from information. Dead horse, but it’s important not to look past how alien and compromised their thought patterns are.

Covid messaging is a case study in herding dolts. A common liar's tell is doing what they accuse others of doing. The contrast between the poisoners' claims of scientific objectivity and their absurdly rhetorically charged and misleading images is striking. Not sure what is is about the unnatural fluorescent type lighting they love to use. Presumably it connotes "laboratory conditions" to those whose grasp of medical science is limited to ER

This one plays the fear of the cartoon sputniks [apparently a major trigger for stupid people] against the reassurance of the science-clad brown person hands. Faux futurism as threat and savior in one. Whether this makes you want to run or shoot poison is a litmus test.

We also saw a lot of pseudo-religious images. Here, the lurid artificial light is supposed to seem mystical. The reverential hands and cross orientation adds to this misplaced worship. Replacing God in the minds of the credulous is a long-running beast dream.

The tell is obvious though. It's an upside-down cross.

CLI means reacting to emotional triggers - by nature unstructured and unreflective. Powerful, even overwhelming impulses that fuel overreaction when unchecked by reality. Lust and desire leading the Gamma to ignore signs all the way to dismissal for harassment. Fear driving NPCs to cripple their children developmentally and physically. The list is endless. The result is a completely different communication pattern. 

It’s not the bad information content that → acting out narrative negative self-interest. It’s a fear pulse from the substructure

The NPC attitude isn’t based on applied knowledge or learning. It’s basically fight, freeze, or flight tier strategic thinking. The provided ritual controls the cortisol until the laser pointer lights up a new pulse. 

Stringing together words about what was “really true” is as relevant to this process as folk dancing proficiency. All they know is doing a thing was really important and it’s over now. 

An honest dealer might have asked any of the Enlightenmenteers how this sorry species was supposed to cast off the "shackles of authority and superstition" and self-actualize? They obviously weren’t. Any more than the Obamaphones unlocked untapped wells of urban creativity. Keep in mind that every peddler of humanist auto-idolatry tripe presumes the ability to learn from their information. To turn text string or picture into lived experience. How does this happen when the majority dance spasmodically from feeling to feeling without a second thought?

Spoiler alert - it doesn’t. But it is a choice...

The liars were - as always - satanic charlatans chasing some mix of atavism and power. The Band has referred to the beast system on occassion as the corner of Evil and Stupid. It would be more accurate to call it Evil and CLI. Self-deification and kumbaya equalism sound great. Contradictory, but feel good emotional pulses. And since noting contradiction is a learning from information process, irrelevant to FTS-2. So they’ll huff, and self-congratulate and piously intone impossible “principles”. And the engineers will proceed with their actual agendas. Just making sure the string of pulses always matches up with current priorities.

A cursory glimpse at Aristotle clears up the mechanism of the beast system. The Band identified the FTS-2s and their symbiotic relationship with House of Lies. But the phenomenon is so objectively bizarre it demands some investigation. Lazy, r-selected sloth-seeking is certainly part, but not sufficient. Fruit-fly tier memories are part of the process, but are weird enough for further questions. Even NPCs remember how to drive a car, so there’s more to it. CLI nails it. The vapidity of beast culture is irrelevant if the information content isn’t assessed. A lot of Pedowood makes more sense as a series of pulses than a crafted plot. And a brain that only reacts to feeling with a rudimentary capacity for instruction will seem fruit flyish. 

The beast system, its House of Lies, and the Clown World metastasis evolved over time. The Band believes it's orchestrated, but from a metaphysical source. It’s the only rational explanation for the complexity and timeframe. Human agents are more reactive. The engineers can learn from information and keep reacting to how the last beat went. 

Layers of inversion and deception pile into a thick putrescent crust. It’s why the narrative can zig zag but always drifts further from reality. And where the boiling frog analogies come from. 

What the frog metaphor misses is CLI. The metaphor’s meaning is go gradually so the dupe doesn’t notice. Pickpockets can do similar. The implication being a quick jump or movement will give the game away. That presumes learning from information. That a certain kind of data will → informed reaction. Bailing out or slapping the hand away. The temperature rate or hand speed is irrelevant to FTS-2 because they can’t learn that way. Recent events have made it easy to see. The NPCs jerk spasmodically from one absurdity to the other with no lead time required. There are lots of logistical reasons with the folkloric “spontaneous uprisings” never happen. Most people are cognitively incapable. New realities will be embraced when new emotional pulses force it. And for that to happen, the wheels have to fall off.

Jehoiakim Burns the Word of God from Jeremiah 36:21-32, Bible card published by the Providence Lithograph Company, 1904

Which explains why obvious fixes don’t happen before catastrophe. If the House of Lies media-institution web [substructure + impulses] doesn’t alert them to the problem, FTS-2 is utterly oblivious. No matter how many times they may nod along to an explanation. The words whirl around superficially, in the manner of a fictional story. Understood on the meaning level, but not applicable to anything further. Meanwhile the substructure presets float along unscathed. 

Breaking it down like this is clarifying, but also a little troubling. 2400 years is enough sample size - Aristotle’s CLI observation can be taken as fact. The Band suspects a psycho-spiritual root, but the mechanisms are is less important than the reality. The proof of which is seen in how perfectly it accounts for the rise of the House of Lies and the FTS-2 behavior in it. But it also means there isn’t a solution in the sense of a cure or consciousness-raising. They can’t be shown to think any more than a nematode can be taught to ride a bicycle. They will shift to the new order as if it always was, once emotionally prodded to do so. But until then, expect them to mouth narrative right off the cliff.

You'll know to go the other way.

Barrett Biggers, The Road Not Taken, 2024, digital print inspired by Robert Frost's poem

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