Thursday 1 August 2024

Ideology, Organic Socialization & the Reality of What Things Are

Ontological clarity gets practical in the uncertain times that always accompany the ending of an era. 
If you are new to the Band, this post is an introduction to the point of this blog that needs updating. Older posts are in the archive on the right. Shorter occult posts and other topics have menu pages above. 
Comments are welcome, but moderated for obvious reasons. If you don't see it right away, don't worry. We check and it will be up there.

Robin Moline, Harmony Town, cover image for Just Shy of Harmony by Philip Gulley

Moving into the collapse phase of the current House of Lies brings a dizzying cascade of societal degeneration, weird cargo cultic behavior, and increasing narrative drift from reality. It's remarkable watching a parade of nonsense events and abject lunacy conga by without any apparent impact on the mass of FTS-2s. Beyond a mounting unease uselessly filtered through the old narrative channels. The Band has been watching larger patterns below the surface for some time now, and reality has never been this directionless and surreal. Late stage of civilization ennui gets the flavor but understates the pervasiveness. Readers are decoupling and uninterested beyond assessing materially real threats and opportunities. But when things are this fake, unmoored, and changing, even the surest seeming roads need careful assessment.

John Howe, ships leaving Middle Earth on the Straight Road, from The Grey Havens

A recent sub touched on the inorganic nature of the socio-political scene but only scratched the surface of how bizarre and detached mainstream discourse has become. The Band is completely disinterested in the absurd pantomime “politics” has degenerated into. The sprays of juvenile illogic and platitudinous lies, conga lines of grotesques, and complete lack of attention to reality are stupid and irritating. To the point where even hearing morons act like all this infantile jibber-jabber is real sets the temple vein throbbing. But intellectual bankruptcy doesn't rule out insight into mass behavior patterns. If anything, morons tend to be more bluntly revealing. The collective delusion that team-type competition is a good fit to guide an ideological space is an interesting form of FTS-2 narrative-huffing. With practical lessons for manifesting abstraction in material social contexts. 

Clarify. Start with the distinction between what we are calling team-based and ideology-based competition. 

Teams require some sort of pre-existing structure. Leagues, corporate settings, organizations, informal group dynamics, etc. They compete for rewards of some kind within that system. This may include control, as in the case of political parties. But the outcome of the competition doesn’t destroy the structure or the other teams. Competition resumes next "season".

Aleksandar Todorovic, Iconostasis of Isms-Consumerism, 2016, watercolor and acrylic gouache on paper

Ideology-based competition is looking to change the direction - or even the nature - of the system. Distinct or even mutually exclusive societal choices. 

In theory, political parties are defined by competing ideological visions for the direction of the nation [note the in theory. We understand the nature of democracy, civic nationalism, and party politics better than most]. In a smaller organization, ideological competition is for mission and identity.

Ideology is abstract and becomes materially real through implementation. Manifestation is always "imperfect" because it's an ontological translation. The [set of ideological precepts/beliefs] is existentially different from [a group of statements and actions]. It's why the cringingly stupid "not real Marxism" line of defensive retardery self-erases any stitch of credibility. There literally can't be a "real" socially manifest abstraction. Abstract conceptualization and Material enacting have no ontological being or substance in common. They are essentially different on a higher or deeper level - in kind not in degree.

Of course, lies are like magic when dupes believe them because they change reality - what the dupes do because of the false belief - with words. There's real value pretending temporal, contextual Material manifestation can be perfectly identical to timeless, constant Abstract conceptualizations. It reimagines inevitable failure [intrinsic to any secular transcendence where Abstract perfection is substituted for entropic, temporally sequenced Material Reality] as situational [failure to properly implement something claimed to be possible]. From an atavistic, sorathic, anti-Creation perspective, this keeps the dupes from catching on. And the perpetual progressive revolution/year zero going. It's simple. Anyone promising utopia is self-evidently lying. Amelioration of observable issues is the only place for ideological debate. Quality of life. Which has no magical promised land end state. 

Charles Newman, Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow, illustration for Barney Bracken & Friends, watercolor

Impossible ideological purity tests keep the dupes from ever grasping the promises are impossible. Never realizing the whole nonsense illusion is fake because each failure iterates as [still just another step on the way to Shangri-La]. 

It' s insidious.

And a pattern to be wary of in your own ideological investments.

The current party system is the team type. By the fruits, there is no significant ideological difference between beast talons. Hence the common term "uniparty".  Both are defined by globalist satanic inversion. Tactics and strategy can vary but the only goal is getting the league trophy for that season to run the clown car for a term. FTS-2s are given cardboard characters, meaningless symbols, and emotionally triggering rhetoric with no truth value. At all. On any level. Each sock puppet blames the other for systemic failures. And things like morality, tradition, and self-reliance can vanish from the Republican Party while the FTS-2s root on for the laundry. Or "the left" can go from worker protection to open borders while shrilling about higher morality.

Quotes are needed because words like "left" and "right" are completely detached from any coherent ideological frame. It's Celtic-Rangers in terms of meaningful impact. Personnel and identities come and go, but the team loyalty is constant. And with no more change in the decline of the Macro-Arc [socio-cultural pillars as qualitative vectors over time. Click the link for part one and part two of an in-depth treatment].

All aspects of the House of Lies reject reality for secular transcendence. So all its choices point in the same direction.

Thinking it through - it's like team competition, if the league were deliberately self-destructing. Sort of like the comics industry, Pedowood, "elite" education, etc. 

Vintage Texaco Dealer Service Magazine  Ad, 1948

When it comes to the House of Lies, team-type is a bit reductive. Leagues don't fundamentally change. Rules are tweaked. Cultures and styles shift. Technology and training improve. But sports from the 50s are instantly recognizable. 

Thought experiment. Imagine a young sports fan from today who's never watched old footage. Then show him games or matches from the 50's. He wouldn't need much time at all to pick up the different rules and then grasp the action with his normal depth of strategic understanding. A 5-4-3 triple play or right hook to the body, left hook to the head translate.

The House of Lies is an ersatz "socio-culture" that FTS-2 takes as reality. In that way it is like a league. But it is fundamentally changing. Degenerating. Declining Macro-Arc. A young political fan or culture watcher kept from old media wouldn't recognize the socio-culture of the 50s. And this decline is not random, though moral entropy plays a big part. The false ideologies of secular transcendence and satanic inversion are the drivers.

So the parties play the role of teams in an unrecognized "league" that is directed ideologically. By agents that are not only completely outside any "democratic" process - FTS-2 is unaware they or the meta-ideology even exist. 

The teams are the distraction/fly trap that sprays squid ink over the ideology. Declining IQ and other social fitness metrics pace the idiocy level of the charade. Synergistic threads in the downward Macro-Arc. 

Current parties are a hybrid - they presents as consistent teams in an ideologically guided league.

Next is ideological quality. Not all ideograms are equal. By definition, no things that are different are. Ideologies are abstractions and can be assessed as real or true on the basis of logical coherence. The internal argumentative structure and whether foundational claims about the nature of man or the world match empirical observation. Like how beast totems [equalism] and [genetic science] are mutually exclusive - the truth of one requires the falsehood of the other. Anyone believing both can be dismissed as too stupid for consideration. Functionally a second species. And the House of Lies is filled with these contradictions. We suspect pretending they're all true must cripple discernment over time.

Ideology comes in many forms - stick to "political parties". The rational assumption is that they are ideologically defined organizations that represent popular general directions. In the American case, within a universally accepted constitutionally determined framework, guided by public plebiscite. 

John Lewis Krimmel, Election Day in Philadelphia, 1815, oil on canvas, Winterthur Museum of Art, Wilmington

The image of a meaningful mass event is still implied, long after the reality changed.

This isn't an endorsement or a critique of the ideology, just ab observation of what the parties are presented as being in a party-based system. The other guiding quality is supposed to be reality - manifestations being where abstracts take materially real forms. 

George Caleb Bingham, The Verdict of the People, 1854, oil on canvas, Saint Louis Art Museum

The whole point of any kind of democracy being to make sure government reacts to the real needs and desires of the populace. 

In the House of Lies, the inverse is true. When a socio-culture built on ontological falsehoods, lies become metastatic. [Democracy in a theoretical pure state] is an intrinsically impossible form of rule because it doesn't exist qua itself socially or materially. It's why all the checks and balances of the Republic couldn't stave off degeneration into illusion and globalist kakistocracy if the manifestations started manifesting a different ideology. No one cared because MPAI and, as Aristotle pointed out, incapable of learning from information. 

One of the most subtly pernicious falsehoods of equalism is pretending everyone is capable of rational self-interest. If the current state of the House of Lies is any indication, a considerable majority are congenitally logically crippled. A substantial number of those incapable of imagining missing breakfast. FTS-2 vastly outnumbers FTS-1 so meaning narrative huffing will always override agency in if centralized liars run mass polls. It's not surprising that these puppets sell their franchise for a lot less than a bowl of pottage. It's inevitable.

Alexander Donskoi, Classified Stupidity, oil on canvas, private collection

House of Lies "democracy" perverts representative government  - despite that already perverting government in the popular interest. The process has reached a level of apparent Calvinball that whatever is writing The Script, it has no connection to the constitutional Republic.

So instead of choosing between ideological directions, the people root for rhetorical chimera. Teams. While the ideological direction is imposed without public input to their detriment. Or maybe benefit, given how they can't even identify self-interest. Pods and cricket paste are more humane than mass starvation on couches. In any case, the FTS-2 condition moving from inevitably terminal to actively terminal. Ghastly on one level, long-expected on another, and interesting regardless. There’s a reason the Band has always advocates self-responsibility and agency. The future is much rosier for FTS-1. 

The core problem is at the corner of agency and ideology. We’re using ideology broadly here - basically any foundational or defining set of beliefs a person or body claims to follow. In other words, a manifestation of an abstraction. And like any abstraction, to prove real, or true, ideology has to be logically sound and coherent. Both internally and in its conception of material reality. That's in order to be true. Obviously truth value is irrelevant to what's pushed and believed in mass culture today. The House of Lies is an apotheosis of logically unsound and incoherent ideologies. For a party to switch ideological directions means the people leading it disbelieve its stated ethos. And the people belonging to it don't care or don't believe either. 

Jeff Christensen, Rivers Will Rise, 2007, oil on canvas

By the fruits.

That would sound unbelievable to readers had you not already seen it countless times. More pattern evidence for the functionally two species model. 

Ideology in this sense is what sentient FTS-1s actually believe is real and act accordingly. The premise that you toss your religion or code of values or understanding of reality for no reason other than a liar on a screen is absurd. Prima facie. But that's what FTS-2 narrative huffing is. Uploading content from the glowing screens and endlessly rinsing fruit fly tier memory means "ideals" can literally reverse overnight. The last few years have made the necessity of thinking global/meta-narratively and acting personally beyond obvious. Covid blew out the floor, and it's been power diving since. There are no breaks on the FTS-2 train. The white pill is that you can just get off before it plummets into the abyss.

A few points on organic community building.

Most people are FTS-2

NPCs. Even in "based" or ideologically homogeneous communities. They will go with the flow. And the level of internalized cucking is literally astonishing. Many are technically capable and valuable when rightly guided. This is what makes leadership so crucial. 

Eduard Lebiedzki,
Aristotle and His Disciples, around 1888, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Organic groups need ideological direction 

Frame of reference. Culture or mission statement. What defines and unites them. There are different forms, but leadership - informal or formal - must embody the ideological frame. It's uncanny how often groups seppuku by promoting leaders that expressly want to change what the group is.

Rembrandt, The Night Watch, 1642, oil on canvas, Rijksmuseum

Direction has to be connected to or an extension of the group

A co-op, church group, neighborhood watch, and social group have distinct forms of "leadership". But they're all small scale and based on personal connections. Bringing in outsiders for direction is as retarded as atavists. Nothing wrong with consultants. But the lead must share the identity.

William Sidney Mount, Cider Making, 1840–41, oil on canvas

Everyone has to take responsibility

We're living the wages of coasting on passive assumptions of good intentions. The Bible has instructions for confronting wrongdoers. FTS-1s - whether in formal leadership positions or not - have to provide ideological mettle. Informal direction at least, in word and deed. 

For some, socialization is painful. But who cares. It's observable reality that leaderships are highly corruptible and FTS-2s useless to arrest decline. Moral entropy has to be constantly checked by those who can see it. In a small group, one positive example can make a real difference. As one "smooth" deceiver totally unprepared for the IRL Band recently found out. The point is not to seek aggrandizement or credit. It's to serve something larger than yourself with humility and relentlessness.

We assume readers are already on top of this, having seen the necessity some time ago. But there is new traffic, and some old timers may have thought us hyperbolic. So a practical point some have already figured out - when making organic connections, connect especially with other sentients. With FTS-1s, or K-selecteds, or non-NPCs, or whatever your preferred term. You all are the backbone, regardless of SSH rank. That will shake out naturally amongst yourselves. But as the aware core, you are responsible for keeping leadership keeping the ideological ship on course. 


John Harvey-Mayall, Heroes of the Sea to the Rescue (cropped), 1906, oil on canvas

Bringing us back to parties and teams. Lies and squid ink. When organizations get too big, centralization creates the [biggest psychopath grabs the brass ring] scenario. That's the House of Lies - narrative engineers programming FTS-2s through centralized channels with no path for player character intervention. And by extension, the current two talons, one beast uniparty model. Organic groups are small enough for direct contact to matter. From the ideological perspective, anchoring one is similar to leading a family. Logical consistency in what the beliefs explicitly are.

The party lesson is that truthful ideology is real. Material actions really have to be consistent with the beliefs in every case. Because moral entropy is also real - without constant maintenance of standards against corrosion, bodies drift from defining order [source - every Western institution]. The logic for any truth seeker is easy.

Which raises the question of why one adheres to a party that changes its ideological identity?

It's easy to answer for FTS-2s, but we are aware of sentient beings committed to the same kabuki. The same question came up in the substack post. Without facetiousness, what are the expectations for investing in this kind of distraction? We assume its some form if lingering cultural habituation. But who knows?

Truthful ideology is real, and Abstract reality is defined by logical consistency. It's why deviation from ideological direction - inconsistency - is self-erasing. But if the material entity zombies on as a rhetorical shell - a team - pretending to still be what it was... Well that's House of Lies country. The further the reality of something can drift from what the idiot masses believe it is, the more space liars have to do what they wilt. Some graphics from the sub show it nicely.

Abstractions have perfect atemporal consistency but become materially real through physical manifestation. For ideologies, by people acting them out in their lives. It’s why the surface appearances can change but the core principles don't.

The problem is that ideology has no binding force outside group buy-in. There's nothing to stop the manifestation from deviating other than the leadership and member responsibility mentioned above. Without that, liars can arbitrage the space between what a group or movement is and what the FTS-2s think it is. The bigger this gets, the more room for evil in the name of self-righteous dupes.

Thee foundational beliefs don’t change qua themselves because they're timeless abstractions. Liars can evoke them by waving old symbols around indefinitely. But the manifestation defined by them stops realizing them. It's the same rhetoric, trappings, even faces - laundry - reconfigured into something different. Change itself is fine if it's logical and transparent. But pretending something different is still the same is a core strategy of beast deception. And as we saw in countless art posts, an effective path to full inversion over time.

And when the entire game is fake...

This is not advocacy of radicalism of either anarchic or communistic stripe. Our degraded society is too system-dependent for sudden disruption not to be catastrophic. Revolutionary fantasy is the province of actual psychopaths or naïve little men unable to see the flaws in their own ridiculous projections. Let alone not be the first devoured by the first group. Even if the Band were given absolute power, rejuvenating this moldering carcass would have to be very systematic and incremental over a long period of time. We advocate personal betterment and organic growth. Disconnecting life from the House of Lies. Build anti-fragility and flexibility while it remains possible. Be attentive to big pictures to see which way the winds are blowing. And focus locally to best ride out whatever upheavals are ahead.


Needless to say, the Band avoids contemporary politics. We have no interest in the activities of strangers that we have no influence on. Manifest fakeness and manipulation are repulsive, and the stupidity of the lies and tricks leads us to unproductive contempt for the dupes who believe. Narrative detail in the House of Lies is a figurative Tar Baby designed to emotionally engage and entrap. 

Think back over every hot-button issue the last 50 years - how it was narrated and what really came of it. 

Of course, we are aware of the charge that rejecting the kabuki lets "them" corrupt the system. Here's the thing. It's the House of Lies!!! The system is already terminally corrupt on the political-public messaging level. To the point where the total inversion is affecting other levels. There is no saving it. There is only granting legitimacy to its authority by agreeing to it. An act of consent. 

This is not blackpilling. It's rudimentary cognition 101. A failed system can't be repaired by doubling down on the failure. That's diametrically opposite directionally. Taking responsibility, personal agency, organic connections are real ways to raise the quality of your surroundings. The reality of politics and culture is circular. Power shapes mainstream culture, especially in mazes of mediated illusion like the House of Lies. And politics - leadership - is downstream from culture. The current level of retardedness and degeneracy was impossible earlier because it was culturally unthinkable. Degenerate and retardify the culture and it becomes first thinkable and then acceptable. 

The House of Lies isn't a natural or neutral state. Mass rejection of reality is something that has to be grown or moved into. Children are imprinted into it as the come into consciousness, and FTS-2s literally ego invest in its dancing lights. It is a choice, if not necessarily a conscious one. And it doesn't have to be chosen. 

Choosing empirical and logical reality pushes back against the moral entropy spiral that defines the House of Lies. It creates better culture on a grassroots level. It may even raise up an organic social group. Obviously this isn't systemic change. The reality is in the present, systemic change is out of reach. Clown World has to run its course and something else will follow. The more personally responsible, moral, organically connected people out there, the better the prospects. That's where standards, motivation, and leadership comes from. Better people with real expectations. Trust us - looking meta-narratively and acting personally is demanding enough that if you really buy in, there's little time for nonsense. 

Perhaps "not playing" is overstated. Just skip the teams and think about ideological direction as an aggregate of individual steps. Use that to thing about possible outcomes for your area and circles. At least That is playing in a way, just a long game with real stakes.

Alessandro Andreuccetti, Fog in the Forest, 2008, watercolor

Don't need perfect clarity to see which direction to go. Details clarify as they get nearer.

We shared thoughts on organic community - finish with looking meta-narratively/globally/big picture. Track the pattern of events over time - the meta-narrative beats -  instead of the details. That's the Macro-Arc approach that allows for some degree of rough long range forecasting. But it's not prescience. The beast isn’t a reliable narrator, and things can swerve suddenly. Reality or useful idiots can disrupt in unexpected ways. Sometimes it looks like things are going somewhere they aren't. Key information is false or missing. Consider motive. The point isn't to impress with flashy prognostication. Track narratives is to stay ahead of the tsunami.

Systemic fakeness has always been self-evident. Part A - mass obliviousness to obvious contradictions like [politicized judiciary] and [Justice as a concept] or how representative government can exist when campaign promises are non-binding was triggering as a child. How could adults not see the self-contradictions? In time it became apparent that for whatever reasons, they can’t. It became equally obvious as a teenager that Part B - some sort of systemic collapse is inevitable. Just from projecting unsustainable socio-cultural trajectories forward. 

No insight into how it would unfold, only that it was certain.

Since then, the process has been to track the hows as they happen to stay out of future blast radii.

Part C was the realization that the weird contradictions in Part A are inorganic. The whole acceptability of  "well, politicians lie" or assorted perversions of justice or morality seems “deliberate”. At least in the sense that they are obviously fixable but never addressed, and always trigger unresolved emotional engagement. This was where the Band checked out of the mainstream - other than that eye on what’s coming. But just checking out is hollow. Hotel California got that part right. But it missed the part where you can leave whenever you so choose. And check into reality. 

A bit of a rambling post to tie current events to some recent posts. House of Lies narrative has shifted and the Macro-Arc moved towards the x-axis since we wrote on them. A glance at the state of the human capital makes it easy to see where beast depopulation agendas and [live in pods and eat cricket paste] predictions come from. What can you do with the huge wealth transfer dependent end of FTS-2 in a time of imperial decline? A warning not to be dependent and old news for readers. The point for the future is to take the reality of ideology seriously. And not to compromise when not compromising can make a difference...

Edward Hopper, Gas, 1940, oil on canvas, Museum of Modern Art, New York

A non-dependent organic future will be more localized. Technical knowledge doesn't vanish, but opting out of beast infrastructure means opting out of its scope. Many of us have already started laying social groundwork while others are positioning themselves to do the same. And the beginning is where not compromising on truth is most essential. When things are fluid and the people you're dealing with are all under some House of Lies spell or another. Imagine if the first Defense Dept. "accounting error" was met with sackings and criminal penalties. Or if political liers had been mercilessly drummed out of office and blacklisted before centralization set in.

We're not considering anything so ambitious as rewiring society. But the point stands, even on the smallest scale. Compromising just to be more accommodating or permissive - not because of logical error or misunderstanding - is literally not being what you defined as. What's true didn't change. Don't open the gap for liars. The quality is its own reward, and your posterity will thank you. 

Spyros Vasileiou, Sunrise, 1973, oil on canvas, private collection

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