How the Band projects future trajectories & what that suggests for the collapsing beast system we find ourselves in.
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Zdzisław Beksiński, Blind
This post is the first of a two-parter wrapping up the recent exploration of the House of Lies - the socio-cultural structural manifestation of the inverted beast system that defines the modern "West". We could have done it in one shot with a single marathon post like some in the past. But we haven't had as much time lately and really want to get started on the Langan project we announced a bit ago. We're toggling three subjects now - the arts of the West, the House of Lies, and Langan/CTMU - so we'll post part 2 of this on the next go round. That's ok, because some further observations, including how we conceptualize societal trajectories, and their implications are enough for now. Click for part 2.
If interested, here's the list of House of Lies posts in order.
Mr. Misang, from the Modern Life is Rubbish series, 2018
Introducing the House of Lies as a socio-cultural state and some of its causes. Especially the traumatic condition of modern life.
Introducing the Functionally Two Species (FTS) model as a way of accounting for masses that are incapable of basic observation, reason, or memory. FTS2 are the narrative huffers that make the House of Lies possible.
Structural observations about the way the House of Lies works. Fake narratives, fake threats, fake fear, fake solutions. Wash, rinse, repeat because FTS2 can't learn.
Erik Johanssen, Daybreaker
The House of Lies runs on fake experts that peddle false narrative over reality. FTS2 tries to organize their lives around this instead of observation and reason with socio-culturally disastrous results.
Some basic things for FTS1 to watch out when seeing through the integrated deceptions of the House of Lies.
The journey through the House of Lies has hopefully been informative, if somewhat bleak. We’ve traced out a multi-level, integrated, social-political-cultural “structure” where every part is fake and usually inverted.
Gali Stein, Virtual life or caught in the Web
From governance and administration – real and apparent – through institutions and media, all the way to public opinion – all running on beliefs, assumptions, policies, rules, claims, etc. that are logically and observationally untrue.
We’ve identified some main aspects of this. Centralization is necessary to produce and disseminate the constant stream of interrelated falsehoods that make up the narrative. This is carried through a synergistic network of glowing screens and institutional channels. The House of Lies and its flickering narratives are only possible when a relatively small incestuous cadre can message through organized, controlled, and amenable pathways. Messages transmitted, reiterated, and amplified by clouds of fake credentialed experts.
Until we reach the place where government openly works to destroy nation and culture, education contradicts logic and erases history, corporations attack and demonize organic human grouping and attitudes – where the truth is absent on every level.
Norman Parker, Study for an Impossible Viaduct
This doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a long gradual decline that builds up layers of dishonesty until there isn’t one thing to identify to clean up. It’s all interlocking and mutually reinforcing. An entire socio-culture as House of Lies.
At the same time, it runs on people. Obviously the liars – overseers and credentials – but they’re relatively few. It’s the idiot masses – the functional second species that makes up the majority of people. What we’re calling FTS2. Objectively, these have no functional memory, powers of observation, or capacity for judgment. They imbibe changing and wildly implausible narratives unquestioningly, even at the expense of their own best interests.
Eric Johanssen, Falling Alseep, 2018
FTS 2 is so broken, so psychologically and cognitively impaired that they not only can’t think, they can’t feel either. Consider the self-declaration of mental deficiency referred to “whataboutism”. The premise is that only one moral outrage can be considered at a time. The one designated by the glowing screens and institutions of the House of Lies at that moment.
FTS2 narrative huffers liken whataboutism to a red herring - something put forth as a distraction. But there’s a term for that. It’s "red herring". The idea that we ignore the moral hypocrisy of a virtue signaler – especially one using a contrived beast “offence” as a lever to disrupt society – is obviously wrong to the point of evil. We absolutely do need to assess the relative moral weight of the problem. And the credibility of the bleater. What is their agenda? What is their moral fiber? Their knowledge? And more importantly, what is the depth and quality of their analytical insight? Are they someone capable of assessing causal relationships between the greater socio-cultural frameworks and whatever cherry-picked misrepresentation the beast laser pointer is focused on at the moment?
Gali Stein, Check-in to nowhere, 2013
If someone is unwilling or unable to consider the bigger picture, there is no reason to pay a mote of attention to their social criticism. They’re just hollow tools repeating whatever societally toxic screed the screens said, without the capacity to understand why.
The way narrative-huffing FTS2 fruit flies recoil from moral breadth and complexity indicates a disturbing quality that we haven’t really brought up before the preceding paragraph. It’s that it's not just that they can’t think of anything they aren’t directly told. They can’t feel without being told either. Basic personal appetites, sure, but we mean the empathy and sympathy that lead to moral outrage. Their “moral outrage” is so hollow and liar-dependent that they can only react to a single, decontextualized cause in a pre-programmed way. Realizing that their dictated infantile response pattern ignores more salient issues or is dead wrong on critical causal factors is not only beyond them, bringing it up makes them angry.
It’s easy to see in Ukraine with the total blank disregard to of the ~15,000 people killed over the last eight years in the Donbas by the puppet regime's criminal shelling. You know, a factor that precipitated Russian intervention.
If you're a mindless narrative huffer, this is "distracting" from the Ukraine outrage-a-thon made up on the screens. If you're capable of thought, the context allows correct assessment and accurate moral judgement.
Since we're turning attention to implications, this is important. We've covered the inability to apply observation, reason, or memory. But the idiot masses are so dependent on the external commands of demons and liars, they have no capacity for independent moral response. Since implications are downstream outcomes, where then does the drive for positive change come from? The question...
How does a society of shambling, consuming automata that can neither think nor feel – only twitch mindlessly to spoon-fed deception – improve... anything?
The narrative engineers that drive these broken lost souls like Dante’s flies in Ante-Inferno are inversion made manifest. They're first branded “credible” - not for demonstrated credibility but for descending through the strata of the House of Lies. School starts the process with hollow chits leading to “positions”. These also reinforce each other – consider public health lies being declared “true” because university and big tech liars lie about them. And vice versa.
The graphic from the credentialism post. Just add in consideration of who awards the chits or selects for the positions and the screens.
And nowhere in these meandering webs of lies is there any point where reality can enter with some sort of measure or check.
Fake ideologies that are so vacuous that their very existence proves the worthlessness of the institutions that spawned them. But more than vacuous, the falsehood is motivated. Deliberate selected distortions of biological, historical, and logical realities steered by central narrative engineers to weaponize projected resentment into cultural atavism. The ultimate goal not being the empowerment of the spokesdupes, but to reduce the Western nations into a socio-cultural sludge that is both dependent on and incapable of resisting total elite control. The same old satanic globalist assault on reality, except powered by dreams of destruction instead of utopian progress.
It's the inversion of the equally demented lie of Enlightenment equalism. Human biodiversity is empirically obvious from human behavior and logically necessary from what we know about biology. Any theory that starts by pretending otherwise is self-cripplingly stupid/deliberately malignant according to the perpetrator.
The point is that like every metastasis of one-note post-Enlightenment cultural "theory", there's no coherent attempt to comprehensively assess the the truth of the claims. Not against a fully-rendered historical context or any measure of logical consistency. Even the suggestion that the claims should be assessed is countered by charges that basal functionalities like sense data and causality are oppressive. That familiar inversion that theoretical fantasy is ontologically prior to the reality that the fantasist was born into, but dumber. It's what makes these theories so effective - they're crafted by the midwitted to appeal to the stupid. Hence the proven worthlessness of the spawning grounds that breeds them. But also hence the complete disconnect between the theoretical fiction presented as "true" and the actual reality that the fiction wants to rewrite.
These fictions and projected fabrications are then absorbed and disseminated by liars in media, with no cross-reference to reality here either. Same demonic orchestrators with even dumber spokesdupes. They're further transmitted and disseminated by government flacks. Same demonic orchestrators with comparably stupid spokesdupeswith and again no cross-reference with reality. They're absorbed by corporate HR with the same demonic orchestrators, a new crowd of moron spokesdupes. But still no cross-reference with reality
Zdzisław Beksinski, Untitled
These interlocking webs of the House of Lies ultimately force the fictions and projected fabrications onto the idiot masses as “knowledge”. Still with no cross-reference with reality or attempt to show the connection to reality. Just stated as if "true". Many will deny and reject in their own minds, but unless actively opposed, society changes all the same.
And if society is altered to reflect dyscivilizational unreality, dyscivilizational unreality will be the result...
Listening to the the deceptive and ignorant bleat about how the atavists "won't like it when..." or are "creating opportunities for competitors" just proves how effective the House of Lies is at constructing layers of fake reality. There is no "pendulum" swinging between truth and falsehood. The modern beast system is a continual descent into auto-idolatry and rejection of truth and objective morality. The pace may speed up or slow down, but the direction is constant. Nor is there a "free market" where mass alternatives to centralized beast organs have opportunity. If there were, we would see alternative education and medical accreditation and a totally different attitude to lawfare and targeted government regulation. There are grassroots online ecosystems, but they're self-funded and lack the global narrative creation range of the mainstream.
Bringing us to the issue of resources.
In a fiat currency system, there is virtually no limit on those who control the money printing. And the integrated centralization of the House of Lies puts those near-limitless resources behind the integrated narrative engineering.
The implications of the House of Lies depend on its stability. The vertically-integrated system isn't going to spontaneously change without some external reason. Ultimately what drives the House of Lies is money. A demonic system of “finance” with limitless printing and no checks.
This bit from the chans that made the rounds a little while ago basically gets it. Just add Vanguard to Blackrock and you get ~15% ownership of every US company. Just look at the sums of money under very narrow control. Cue the "conservative" retard stammering about muh free market system...
Obviously there are independent entities surviving off customer revenue. The Band belongs to and supports some. But when you consider the money printer level resource streams enjoyed by beast entities, there is no possibility of direct competition for the conceptual spaces of the House of Lies. We are building self-contained, self-supporting parallel systems outside it's purview by appealing to those who can see past it to some extent. Different goal, and totally different scale.
The modern banking system is the root of the seemingly endless gouts of money. Fractional reserve lending essentially manufactures new fiat - unbacked by anything tangible - money out of thin air. And what many don't understand is that the "public" government and "private" banks are structurally entwined in ways that go way beyond buying hack politicians with embarrassingly small bribes. Click for the public-private governance structure of the Fed. Click for a piece on the private ownership of the NY Fed.
At the elite levels "public-private" is just misdirection. The role of finance as it really is today in the ongoing collapse of the West is something people really need to grasp. It's too late to do anything, but it would at least reduce some of the erroneous idiot bloviating.
So any assessment of the implications of the House of Lies has to take into account the vast pools of graft that power the whole rancid machine. One level of the system produces the currencies that empower the stranglehold of the rest of it. So the first implication is that integration means there isn't going to be any positive change in direction from the top down, or from within the system itself.
That brings us to the masses.
We recently made some observations to help people that can see and think - FTS1 - navigate the integrated deceptions of the House of Lies. It’s possible to work around some of the excesses by withdrawing as much as possible. This is more difficult than it used to be because of the overlapping technological and regulatory orders we’re enmeshed in. That and the naked immorality of the elites and their minions that run these orders.
Vincent Monaco, The Practical Deception
Money has always been corrupting, but the network of financialization, centralization in the corporate, education, and media spheres, and inverted credentialism is historically unprecedented. This means workarounds occur on the margins, but they can still occur.
Unfortunately the implications are less optimistic then individualized observations. The House of Lies isn’t collectively changing for the better without catastrophic collapse. Which we suspect is starting already, given the overall direction of events. And whatever happens, the world that was that many of us remember isn’t coming back.
Show the process.
It’s worth taking a moment to share the method that the Band has long used to make sense of big picture socio-cultural tendencies. We just think of it as looking at reality, but if we have to give it a name, we could call it reading the qualitative holistic trajectory. That is a bit lengthy, so let's go with reading the Macro-Arc, or macro-arcing for less of a jawbreaker. It goes like this.
1. Start by defining a qualitative trajectory. Historical patterns become clearer in hindsight because of what’s called historical distance. We can see events and their causal outcomes as fully formed chains. Take one example - the decline of the dollar. Most are aware that Nixon made the final break with the gold standard in 1971. But it was actually Roosevelt - the monstrous progenitor of a good chunk of the socio-economic beast system - that made the initial break in 1933. Now look at the graph.
Roosevelt's 1933 scheme of inflating the money supply began a steep downward trend that's never ticked up since. Nixon's 1971 booster brought a steeper decline. Regardless of the false rhetoric at the time, the decision to introduce fiat currency causally enhances the inflationary reduction in the value of money.
We don’t have 50-100 year graphs that for recent past or present events, so these are murky and misunderstanding rampant. But events and developments are still sequenced in time. Meaning we can see them as causally-related paths or trajectories moving from past to future. We know doing X will have consequences of some kind, even if the downstream causal outcomes are unclear in the moment. And logic and empirical pattern recognition still exist. Once we see events as interwoven causal chains - trajectories - moving through time, we can preliminarily assess the likelihood of positive or negative impacts – morally, economically, socially, etc.
Things don’t stand still. The idiotic self-contradiction that change coexists with [everything staying the same otherwise] is one of the most annoying and objectively destructive Venn overlaps of lies and stupidity. The process is moral entropy.
When demons refer to the slippery slope as a "fallacy", they're disingenuously referring to the straw man claim that present action X inevitably leads to exact future outcome Y without "evidence". But futurecasting from pattern recognition is inherently not evidentiary in that way. The question isn't whether decisions have downstream consequences - they do. It's the likelihood that a negative causal chain ensues from the decision.
And this becomes totally different when not projecting future outcomes but looking in hindsight. Then there is no predictive uncertainty, just assessment of what already happened.
Like how nominally Christian organizations' decision to ignore explicit Biblical moral proscriptions eventually leads to the organization becoming non-Christian. There might not be "proof" when the first transgressions are permitted. But the trajectory is plain in hindsight.
A specific slippery slope isn't a rule for every minor negative. But one is for many. And every major negative has a downward trajectory from more minor things.
If you're not a demon or retarded, it's where pattern recognition comes from.
That's qualitative trajectory. Some positive or negative direction over time in some causally-linked aspect of socio-cultural or personal reality.
2. Then define qualitative holistic trajectory. We’ve described socio-cultural reality as we experience it - the totality of societal relations and interactions over time - as countless interlocking butterfly effects. An incalculably vast torrent of actions and events all reverberating and interrelating, producing an endless proliferation of inflections and interactions. These reverberate and interrelate in turn, with new actions and events endlessly being added.
Sabrina Beretta, Saphir - Butterfly Effect, 2018, acrylic on canvas
In case there's pedantry lurking, the butterfly effect is a metaphor, not an endorsement of any specific formula. Simply the idea that socio-cultural reality - material reality in general - is comprised of interacting, time-sequenced causal relations. Just in such indescribable numbers to make precise reckoning impossible.
All of these innumerable chains are time-sequenced causal paths or trajectories of the kind described in #1. There’s just far too many to account for. But what we can do is pick up on a good number of major trends. Like noting all-cause deaths rising after forcing cancer-inducing experimental genetic therapies on an unwitting public. Or flooding a country with a stressed social aid system, concerns over energy consumption, and housing shortages with hordes of migrants from dysfunctional societies. As opposed to the long-term consequences in a minor disagreement in a village tea house or when you got up yesterday.
Visualize socio-cultural reality as a tangle of event threads - each with its own trajectory - through time. The major ones can be identified more or less against the background noise. Sometimes you'll misjudge something, but that's ok. We're dealing in broad generalities.
And all these major trends that we can pick up on will have positive or negative outcomes qualitatively that can be projected with logic and empirical pattern recognition. The catch is that these big societal developments don’t belong to one “domain”. They appear distinct from each other in the usual classificatory thought structures that are used to organize socio-culture on the macro level. Developments in corporate structure, governance, jurisprudence, family structure, demographics, education, social peace, economic health etc.
But they all have trajectories. On that level, they reduce to a common general positive/negative directional metaphor. So on that level, we can make generalized positive/negative comparative analyses. If the big societal developments we can track are mostly trending one way, then a sort of conceptual directional aggregate emerges.
The direction of this overall major trend aggregate is the Qualitative Holistic Trajectory or macro-arc for the socio-culture as a whole.
Ignore the socio-cultural background noise of countless trivial events and reactions. A macro-arc is determined when the major significant socio-cultural trends or trajectories are mainly heading it a common direction. It's very generalized - almost vague - and incompatible with myopic, beast-dependent demands for "proof" from within the House of Lies. It's also real and inerrant for generalized socio-cultural prognosis.
Background noise is background noise. Are the major socio-cultural causally-linked trajectories moving in a common direction? If so, is that direction negative?
If it is, the finite nature of growth or decline in a material reality means the situation is inevitably terminal. Barring an outside factor to alter the plurality of major trajectories. And that's what people miss. When the macro-arc is hard negative, it's not a matter of "reforming" one or two of the constituent trajectories. The entire socio-cultural direction over time has to shift.
Long-term readers will remember the time we spent exposing the obvious myth of Progress! [Click for a link to the initial post blowing out progress through analysis of architecture and a post looking at the foundation in the sin of vanity]. We didn’t have the current House of Lies terminology at the time but in hindsight, Progress! certainly fits as a foundational lie. The root problem is another inversion we identified early on – secular transcendence. That’s the self-evidently ridiculous premise that perfect abstract absolutes could materially exist in a finite material world.
It's essentially number 8 in our recent 12 Axioms post - the last look into the House of Lies.
Progress! as an operant ideology assumes either finite conditions can improve infinitely, or that a state of absolute perfection in can and will be reached in an entropic, fallen material world. Since both are obviously impossible, it’s equally obvious that the post-Enlightenment virus philosophy of endless growth/betterment eventually has to end. As endless viral growth does - with the death of the host.
If we conceived of Progress! as a macro-arc, it would be an open-ended broad-spectrum upward societal trajectory. Thinking of it this way lets us visualize that holistic qualitative trajectory for the post-Enlightenment West as a metaphoric line on a graph. Only this graph doesn't encompass the abstract endlessness of the mathematical number line. More accurately, the time axis is close enough, but the available material resources and human capital do not. They're finite, with indeterminate but objectively extant capacity limits.
It looks like this. Macro-arcs are constrained by the inherent limitations of their inherently limited material contexts.
When the finite aspect of the plot is considered, the impossibility of a societal ethos based on endless improvement becomes obvious...
Back in the world of objective reality, our current macro-arc has been breaking bad for a long time. Morally for centuries and socio-economically for at least decades. And just as the Progress! ride eventually comes to a brutal and necessary end because it can’t go up forever, the macro-arc can’t drop forever either. All the main trendlines making it up have inherent termini – debt load, moral degeneration, demographic degradation, resource depletion, etc. eventually reach the point of unsustainability. Where there is no longer enough healthy socio-cultural counterweight to compensate. Catastrophic societal events ensue where the socio-cultural context becomes too different to be a continuity with what was. Humanity continues, but with entirely new ethno-socio-cultural order.
It's not like it hasn't happened before. This is a common comparison. But it's not a one-time deal either. Consider how much culture, tradition, milestones - things considered important - have simply been wiped away. What happened to the Gepids? Where are the Alamanni today?
All this became obvious to youthful selves when we became old enough to make broad assessments from pooling observations. This was late in the last century - a point in time when sufficient abundance made public flight from moral choice or personal and/or societal responsibility seem viable. A time when the idiot masses around us responded to pointing out the obvious with slack-jawed incredulity and charges of cynicism.
In other news, observations like the House of Lies and the functionally two species model are based in long-running experience.
It became clear where the macro-arc was going in the late 80s and by the early 90s, we were sufficiently advanced to think about timeframes. Since then, our operating assumption was that the wheels were coming off at some point in the 2030s – possibly the late 2030s, but macro-arc reading isn’t exactly precise. It seemed a long way down the road – three or four decades – but the wheels were coming off. Long way or not, the condition was terminal. Take a look some graphs cursorily scraped off the internet tracing a few major trajectories...
Start with the one that was most obvious to the young Band. The upswing in population growth - itself a hindsight slippery slope of modern technology - is obviously unsustainable & unique in human history.
But it's not just that. Note where the burgeoning hordes are. Packed into swelling mega-cities that are growing at an even faster rate than the population as a whole. Megacities didn't exist in the past because they require complex logistical systems to provide the means of life. Now picture what happens when complex systems can't be maintained because of degraded human capital.
About those logistics. The absurd population rates put the obvious lie to fake satanic globalist claims about "sustainability" or "caring about the environment" or "climate". Where does the energy to provide necessities of life come from for the booming megacities? Now consider liars bleating about "carbon" while importing hordes from low-energy need societies to high ones. It's so self-evident that we have to hypothesize the masses as a second species - incapable of thought or reasoned judgment - to account for it.
Note the growing amount of energy needed to extract oil. This will make post-collapse recovery to 20th century levels impossible.
Obviously, the cost of living for the average person is adversely effected. Housing is quite the bellweather. Here are some American trajectories.
Even if all else were equal, society has to decline if ever more of a personal resource share has to cover lodging collectively. If more out of each dollar has to go to housing, that's less for everything else that makes up a healthy society.
Of course, the elites are relatively immune. The system is set up tp insure that the wealthy get ever richer relatively and control more and more of the economy. In an economy based on debt-created fiat currency, the population bloat that is collapsing mass culture perversely provides the debtors for elite financial paper "wealth" creation. The beast system is designed to enrich the servants of the beast by actively destroying the culture it presides over.
Note that the golden age that the boomers retardedly pretend we still live in was a historical trough in this wealth imbalance level.
Of course the screen-dependent idiot masses can do nothing to defend themselves because their own social fabric is degenerating into increasing government dependency. There is no social metric by which the dissolution of the nuclear family results in pro-social outcomes.
What it does do is ramp up demand for "social programs". Now consider the dyscivilizational socio-cultural trajectories that our governments have presided over - including the above graphs. Anyone still sanguine about the long-term prognoses of the degraded masses dependent of government teats to live?
'Nuff said...
We could continue - demographic decline, environmental degradation, etc. - but this is sufficient to make the point. Lots of major socio-cultural factors with clear trajectories that have been obvious for some time to anyone willing to look. How many aren't is part of hypothesizing the masses are a functionally second species.
Now consider what direction all these trajectories have in common...
That's the macro-arc.
We couldn’t say what exactly "the wheels coming off" meant other than societal existential crisis. We generally referred to it to anyone willing to listen as “the collapse” or "the coming collapse". The problem was that the collapse – however configured – meant the societal trajectories we were projecting forward as a macro-arc were going to end or transform beyond recognition. Making further projection based on indices that no longer exist in a comparable way impossible.
The graphical nature of the macro-arc makes it easier to see.
trajectories comprising the macro-arc are products of the current
socio-cultural context. Once that is sufficiently degraded, there is no longer
socio-cultural capacity to maintain it. Change in degree becomes change in
kind. Time continues as does some sort of context. It’s just not foreseeable because our context no longer exists in a determinative way and the new context's trajectories will respond to whatever its nature will be.
The graphic metaphor shows it’s like a singularity. The trajectory lines collapse and converge catastrophically, cutting off the indicators that would let you see past. So we could say with certainty that the current order was going to end, probably in the 2030s, but with no real confidence as to what that would look like or what would come next. Our assumption was always that as collapse nears, the specific details will become clearer. Which is currently happening.
The Band has often cited the work of polymathic thinker Vox Day. One of the reasons we view his work favorably is because of his own, more precise estimate of American collapse in 2033 – a date that fell within our own reading of the macro-arc.
Here's one of Day's later videos on the topic. We have to agree that the pace of current events makes this a compelling take.
Day's argument was quite different from ours, based on quantitative reasoning around currency life-cycles & recognition of demographic change, but this made it resonate with us even more strongly. It’s easy to second guess impressions, but seeing a different methodology yield compatible results is more compelling.
There are ways that the basic nature of macro-arc reading as a form of rough forecasting enhances its insightfulness. A big factor is that it’s moving – it’s a comparative assessment of related things sequenced in time. The sort of comparison-based reckoning that is impossible for the fruit-fly tier memories of FTS2. It's also a tonic for that destructive tendency to accept negative change based on present conditions and refusing to weigh the downstream consequences. Consider how many dyscivic policies have followed that template.
The structure of the macro-arc puts movement - change over time - front and center. We can visualize it like a line on a graph if the axes could be time and qualitative +/- change. This is why the term “trajectory” works well – it defines a directional course. Some critical observations that should have been obvious regardless become even more obvious...
1. Causal chains mean change continues beyond the initial move, and negative outcomes gain momentum.
2. Once continual directional movement is established, it doesn’t suddenly change or reverse course without something causing it to do so.
Reading the macro-arc is observational. Why things are trending is irrelevant to whether or not they are. Although once we see the direction that the macro-arc or even its main constituent trends are going, we can think about causal factors. History takes a different cast when assessed by the fruits – when we judge outcomes and not the ideologies or claims of the actors. Once the self-declarations of liars ceases to be the primary lens for assessing them, causal links become clearer. For example, all the big degenerate steps of the mid-20th century - from fractional reserve banking to the “sexual revolution” - light up as chutes towards societal collapse.
The inversively diabolical thing about it is that the whole arc was sold as growing maturity. The reality was that technological growth covered for the inherent impossibilities. Until it couldn’t. Here's a graphic that captures some main features...
This means that the downward macro-arc is clearly compelled – driven by dyscivic and pathological socio-political changes cloaked by false claims of Progress! It’s easy to see. It also means that anyone promising things will get better needs to be able to at least hypothesize why. Read that again.
If some political flack is blathering about positive change, there has to be some evidence that the the main negative trajectories in the macro-arc will be transformed for the better. The question to ask is what is happening to the current sequenced causal drivers? Are they turning around? Is something else being introduced of sufficient scale to inflect socio-economic directionality? If not, the pattern continues, until it no longer can. Which is why things seem to be getting more insane as the point of "singularity" nears.
It's easy to see the intensity of the House of Lies growing towards a fever pitch. There is no longer a link between the narrative and organic human socio-cultural reality. Just spasming from one spray of deranged deception to another. If it still seems opaque, just ask how the current trends are sustainable long-term.
The spiraling madness is the late-stage downward macro-arc manifesting socio-materially. It’s what the decline looks like when culture and society are replaced by screens transmitting a centralized, vertically-integrated, fake credentialed system of demons preying on functional retards. Now consider...
Nothing corrects the House of Lies without reversing the societal macro-arc.
The downward macro-arc is eventually socio-culturally terminal.
Put the two together and the main implication is clear...
Consider what is entailed in actually repairing enough main trajectories so that the macro-arc swings upward. It’s possible to imagine, but virtually all the normative socio-cultural assumptions of the modern West have to go. What about the hundreds of millions of broken souls? The rapid rising prosperity is over regardless – too many mouths and the low-hanging fruit is all picked. And this is just the West…
More practically, who’s doing it? FTS2 can’t think, so they can’t course correct. Fruit-fly tier memory means there is no accessible meaningful past to make the kind of comparisons that could identify declining conditions. Meaning this thought process... literally beyond them. Even rudimentary cause and effect judgments are out of the question. Meaning basic cross-referencing of the lies on glowing screens against their own experiences and observations – or even last weeks glowing screen lies - are also out of the question.
Centralized control by fake experts means there's no possibility of truthful guidance coming from the external programming. And as the idiot masses are only becoming more dependent on the glowing screens, this is also a downward trajectory.
To hypothesize improvement, one first has to hypothesize what changes it?
Consider the recent Q narrative that the Band has mentioned on occasion because of revelations that corresponded with reality better than the House of Lies. We remained agnostic at the time on the legitimacy of the proposed “great awakening”. A plan to break through at least some tiers of the House of Lies. Our perspective now is that the bits of truth were intended to add credibility to another bit of beast programming, but that is irrelevant right now. What is relevant is when and why it became obvious that this plan – sincere or not – was doomed.
The Q myth was initially based on the claim that there was credible opposition to the beast from within the system. "Patriots in control" and so on. But at some point, the narrative shifted to the idiot masses taking charge of a mass awakening into a logically and empirically false civic nationalist ideology that has already failed.
The narrative was obviously doomed once it presumed that the masses possessed the ability to mass awaken. FTS2 can’t reconnect with reality in that sort of way.
It was conceivable that new narrative engineers might supplant the old ones and push more reality-facing narratives through the glowing screens. In hindsight, the foundation in post-Enlightenment civnat mythology indicated that it never was a sincere effort to reverse the macro-arc. But the switch from “patriots in command” – the new narrative engineers ready to take over - to “you’re the news now” confirmed the impossibility first, in real time.
Because there was nothing there to change the trajectory that a) built the House of Lies or b) rendered FTS2 incapable of thought.
Might as well plan on teaching math to rabbits.
Reading the macro-arc gives direction. But the integrated structure of the House of Lies allows for insights that general macro-arc trajectories don’t. Specifically why changing the direction is systemically unlikely. This comes back to something we’ve posted on before – de-moralization. The systematic removal of traditional intrinsic Christian morality from society and replacing it with materialist inversion. We hyphenate “de-moralization” to separate it from the loss of morale. But the House of Lies isn’t just the removal of morality and replacement with an ersatz alternative. There’s removal of culture and even more basic elements of existential reality.
But that's part 2.
Erik Johansson, Closing out
Our next - and last for a while - House of Lies post will look at the structural inevitability of systemic collapse along with some things to watch out for if you want to chart your own course outside the beast system.
The next post will jump into Christopher Langan's CTMU. It's been a challenging engagement where we've been uncharacteristically outgunned in some important ways. But not all of them, and we're ready to roll. If you prefer the more hardcore speculative stuff, it should be a good one.