The modern world is a House of Lies that creates its victim-perpetuators. We consider how it's made & how it operates with applied concepts & new insights into the participatory motivation of fake fear.
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Recently we've been looking at the House of Lies and its denizens. This is our term for the current iteration of the beast system - modern socio-culture - where virtually every major institution or ideology is dishonest if not outright inverted from the truth. It's actually shocking to realize the full scope because it is fully vertically integrated and nearly universal in breadth.
For example, not just schools, but the subjects taught in the schools, the processes by which those materials are generated, the people generating them, the political "values" of those setting curriculum, and their overseers, the reflexive assumptions of those attending, the coordinated messaging through media, corporate and governmental cultures that the graduates move into, etc.
How FTS-2 from the last post are created. For what it's worth, the monsters constructing this psyche-destroying trauma process will have to account for their crimes before their maker. And anyone subjecting their children to this evil is complicit.
One plank in a society based almost entirely on universal institutional and ideological flight from reality. An important one, but far from unique.
Do "medicine" - the candidates, the endlessly dumbed-down and politicized training, the "scientific" knowledge production, pharmaceutical industrial complex hegemony, the financialization of every aspect as primary driver, bloated idiot "administration"...
Then there's government. Industry. Media. Finance. Churches. And so forth.
When you really look at it, every established institution or socio-cultural vector has become a plank in the modern beast system's House of Lies. Money is a big part of it - wherever you turn the corrupting, centralizing gravitational pull of asymmetric resources appears to drive corruption and inversion. But money is a facilitator and indicator - literally the currency, not the cause. The cause is a deeper impulse with metaphysical roots. Ultimately the satanic mantra to do what thou wilt - to abandon what is true for to chase naked desire in whatever form. The money is simply the means of scorekeeping. It's the exchange mechanism - the proxy for wealth - by which embracing lies is turned into material rewards - boat, mansion, whores, jet set life, etc.
Elevating desire over what it true - and by extension, what is right - comes way before the invention of money.
Given a) the pervasiveness of the House of Lies and b) its perfect alignment with modern life in the beast system we could say the Band's whole project has been to examine it. Many of our most significant insights and observations involve basic building blocks that are necessary for it's existence.
Start with secular transcendence as the initial turn from reality. We've gone over that concept many times - it's the absurd premise that metaphysical absolutes a) inhere in entropic, fallen material reality and b) are accessible in their fullness to the limited discernment of temporally contingent, subjective human minds. That the part can contain the whole. Click for a explanatory post.
This self-deifying fallacy is as old as history - every metastasis of gnostic auto-idolatry and occultism is based on fallacious reversals of ontological priority order. It hits new peaks with the Enlightenment myth that our "reason" is a path to absolute Truth.
And since this is false, there is nothing to stop the ensuing powerdive into current beast system relativism. Where even reason is too demanding a standard.
All that remains is that we decide what reality is and any deranged whim is held up as someone's "truth".
Secular transcendence is the pervasive socio-cultural structural level refusal that epistemology - how we know - conforms to our factual place in reality. The relevance of this much more concrete than abstract ontological error. Because reality doesn't stop being real, but we are left with no mechanism to check systemic delusion. The inversive pattern is familiar - our base perspective on reality goes from
objective - reacting and adapting to what is real
subjective - pretending whatever we want is real.
The latter is the core premise of the Fallen world - the basal satanic inversion that puts will over reality. Click for a post.
The problem with this is metaphysical and material.
Metaphysically, this self-denies the potential for salvation through Logos. One can no more transcend finite temporal constraints by finite material means than count to infinity by ones. It's misapplied faith that from a Christian perspective is the super slide to actual Hell.
The Band realizes that this isn't compelling to those who most need to hear it, so move to the material.
Materially, desire is unbounded. Material reality isn't. Doing what thou wilt sounds great until it collides with something opposite that someone else wilt. Then the stronger will prevails and the weaker gets a bullet in the face, raped, stripped of possessions, enslaved, forced to wear a mask, etc. Tyranny isn't a perversion of total "freedom" - it's the necessary endpoint. When all are unchecked, the most powerful sociopath wins. Conversely, the moral constraint that the idiot masses are actually referring to when they bleat about muh freedom requires submitting to objective truth. And that leads ineluctably up the hierarchy to Truth.
Unlike the auto-idolators that built the beast system, the Band's reasoning also conforms to empirical reality.
We just argued that self-deifying, man-is-the-measure, top-down rationalist post-Enlightenment fake freedom is a web of lies and a precursor to tyranny. Now look around at the House of Lies and the cultural predations of the obscene, unaccountable, globalist freaks that run it.
That's what being correct on the macro-scale pattern level looks like.
Secular transcendence is at the root of this ironically inhuman tyranny. Ironic because the claim that humans are the arbiters of reality creates the condition for the demonic few to predate on the many without any moral counter. Do what thou wilt only applies to those able to force their wills on the unwilling. More in a moment.
Because secular transcendence is ontologically as false as pretending we're in Fairyland, using it as the basis of culture means our entire society is built on an imaginary false consciousness. It can work to a point - post-Enlightenment engineering was so effective because it remained committed to objective empirical truths while more abstract realities are ignored. But entropy is an inherent condition of the Fallen world, and abandonment of higher truths will necessarily trickle down to more immediate ones. It's only relatively recently that empirical objective reality has been broadly denied. So we are just seeing the signs of decline into collapse now.
Little things like mass open-air train robbery in the middle of an American city. Entropy - moral and physical - is the natural state of the Fallen world. Without active assertion of an external moral order, the higher structures of civilization degenerate into anarchic chaos. What are our "leaders" doing to preserve basic societal health and function?
Consider the endless parade of errors in fundamental understanding of the nature of reality from the Enlightenment to the present day. It still continues. Paradigms shift, but the shifters are never drummed out of their drivers' seats. Who is responsible for security or order in LA? Or consider the devastation of the opioid epidemic. Any changes to the medical-pharmacological arm of the beast system result? Anyone punished? Anything? Bueller?
Instead beast "authorities" keep making up whatever they want. In basic Science! - as opposed to engineering - old errors get memory holed and future errors called "discovery". The "social sciences" are obviously worth less than fiction since fiction can reflect applicable truths through mimesis of real people. But even mighty physics is reduced to peddling "cosmologies" made of 95% "dark matter". Phlogiston actually made more sense, though with less pretty math.
The problem is epistemological. Physical observation, description, and chains of logic can't solve problems of origin or ontological foundation. These are inherently meta- (or pre-) physical - by definition beyond physical assessment. Sensory or mental. There's no way to see what is outside the shoebox from inside the shoebox.
You can tell that there has to be an outside because the shoebox is temporally sequenced. The physical properties point to the necessity of a point of origin. But what that outside "is" is undefinable because it is external to time. The very nature implied by the verb "to be" is a temporally contingent state. The frame of reference needed for definition and conceptualization is limited to conditions ineluctably ontologically posterior to what we want to understand.
This is neither complex nor negotiable.
It's the difference between knowing someone had to make these - that there is a necessary origin - and claiming that you can also see his moral philosophy and sociopolitical motivations. They are material signs of a consciousness that isn't materially present.
Trying to see the abstract in the strictly material is akin to trying to conceive the transtemporal in temporal terms. The difference is that abstract and material are accessible to our minds. The transtemporal isn't. Imperfect illustration of necessity of creator vs. higher order knowledge of the creator. Just scale up metaphysically.
It's why all the "sciences" of Flatland - the state of a secular transcendent world - collapse into hopeless uncertainty or paradox. Because the state of secular transcendence means Flatland is strictly limited to material reality. All the epistemological modes - empirical observation, logical abstraction, faith about ultimate reality - are applied to a strictly materialist cosmology. We've repeatedly covered the cascading errors that result. Like misapplying faith to objective liars.
And all the metrics of measuring and classifying material phenomena are themselves material phenomena. Definitionally unable to address the extra-material precursors upon which materiality has to be predicated. No matter how far the ruler or lens is extrapolated. Because it's not a question of range or precision. It's ontological category error. Click for a post.
It even gets hard to express in material language.
It's the old what's outside or before the universe question. Mathematical semiotics express fantastical constructs with no meaningful connection to the material reality we inhabit. And no way to link them without drawings that are totally different from what they purportedly represent. The graphics actually misrepresent the mental constructs to make them seem more relatable and credible.
In other words, rhetorical figments to pretend limits of discernment - empirical and abstract - actually can be conceived in terms of materialist, secular transcendent Flatland.
What this means in practical terms is that secular transcendence - that is, the core condition that the modern world is built on - is utterly inapplicable to originary or foundational questions. By nature. It is inherently cut off from reality in its fullness as a condition of its existence. It's just presented to the masses in ways that claim it isn't, with the obvious failure hidden behind the mathematical complexity of the ontologically meaningless constructs.
It is true that material and abstract truths remain accessible. A logical syllogism holds and a ruler remains a consistent measure. But when subjectivity replaces objectivity as the the driving value, who cares? The Logos chain to Truth, to the objective moral imperative to conform to reality is rejected for will and desire. It's irrelevant if those align with what is logical or measurable if you want something other and have the means to force it. Whether directly or through lies and manipulation.
You can corrupt public information with neuro-linguistic programming. You can declare blatant falsehoods about human nature "laws" and punish those who speak out against them. You can claim a mild virus is a plague and blackmail people into injecting toxic "medicines" with loss of livelihood and freedom. You can call outrageous lies "science" and banish people from core social institutions for pointing it out.
In short, you can transform society into the House of Lies with enough coercive force and centralized media control. With the extent to which people still see through it as the measure of that power and persuasion's limits.
A common counter / question is that if our account is real and secular transcendent Flatland built on a foundation of air, why doesn't it implode right away?
If reality has been replaced with a solipsistic tyrannical house of lies, how come the collapse didn't happen ages ago?
The answer is that time exists and that the consequences unfold temporally. As in gradually. Secular transcendence isn't a switch to be thrown on or off - it's a process. One tied into another Band building block - the de-moralization process.
Gustave Doré, The Death of Ahab (1Kings 22:29-40), 1866, engraving from Doré's English Bible
Biblical wisdom from a master artist. The Book of Kings describes the gradual degredation of Judah and Israel from the time of David, and the long period before ultimate ruin results. Thinking in terms of applicability, the lesson is that the abandonment of truth and objective morality takes time to fully destroy a society. And that the higher the starting point - the more the origins were reality facing - the larger the buffer.
But entropy - moral as well as physical - is a condition of the Fallen world, and eventually the embrace of solipsism and lies will bring down even the greatest.
De-moralization refers to the removal of objective morality that comes with secular transcendence. Think of it as secular transcendence on the moral plane. It's the denial that there is an objective moral standard based in onto-epistemological Truth and the replacement with do what thou wilt subjectivity. De-moralization is an inevitable consequence of secular transcendence because objective morality and Truth require metaphysical reality above the material and secular transcendence is the pretense that the material is all there is. The pretense requires the absurdity that morality be rooted in the temporally changing material world. Since it can't and lies don't change what actually is, materialist moral claims are merely projected desire. What the person making them wants to be objectively true. And since solipsistic projection is the opposite of actual morality, Flatland has no moral direction. It is de-moralized. The solipsist most able to impose their desire determines the collective ethos until a more powerful coercion swings it in a new direction.
De-moralization also goes way back. It's a long process to completely abandon reality. Medieval aristocrats usurp the social position of the church. Renaissance humanists adulterate theology with Hermetic and Neoplatonic blasphemies. Enlightenment and Romanticism install atheistic high culture and transpose "divinity" into nonsense materialism. Modernism banishes that fake material divinity, along with beauty, art, and humanity. Postmodernism replaces that with pure subjective do what thou wilt. The current day even ignores what is empirically true. This graphic from an earlier post on the matter gets at the trajectory.
Epistemologically, objective empirical science and engineering are able to produce new technologies even as the cultural framework around them go into decline. An internal combustion engine will work regardless of the builder's belief system. Mainstream society maintains reflexive high-trust Western Christian moral attitudes as the elites crater and culture slinks towards degeneracy. It's really only in the 20th century that the social, demographic, and epistemological fabric deteriorates enough to push the three pillars of Western culture out of public consciousness.
Western culture is built of three pillars that correspond ontologically and epistemologically with what we can know and how we can know it. These are Christianity, the legacy of abstract Classical thought, and the material reality of national cultures.
This graphic from an earlier post could use a slight redesign but is correct in showing how the parts fit together.
The House of Lies rejects all of them. This is why the Band does not believe that this current beast system culture can be restored in any meaningful way. Razed and rebuilt perhaps, but not restored. De-moralization and secular transcendence are the endpoint of an over thousand year arc of degeneration.
Aspects of a degraded and hollowed-out culture can carry over the collapse into what comes next, but the culture itself is gone forever.
It's not new. Consider the Greco-Roman classicism that makes up one of the pillars of the West. Actual Classical culture degenerated until it collapsed and was replaced at the end of antiquity by completely different people and societies. The ideas became part of the West, but through adoption and adaptation by these other non-Romans and Classical Greeks.
Classical architecture like Bramante's Tempietto is a good illustration. It looks sort of Roman and follows classical principles, but belongs to a radically different culture from ancient Rome. Achievements from the post-Classical West may carry over into what rises from the collapse, but there's no going back to what was. It's why abandoning morality and objective reality is a terminal error.
The House of Lies is an end state. The pervasive instantiation of de-moralized secular transcendence as the foundation of every aspects of mainstream high and poplar cultures with no path to repair. And de-moralized secular transcendence is completely cut off from reality. Without the lingering reality-facing alternatives like empirical science or cultural Christianity that allowed earlier post-Enlightenment Flatland to shamble along, there is nothing to check the rampant, will-driven subjectivity of the beast elites. There is no stable point of resistance. No anchor of meaning. The satanic endgame of the tyranny of force and coersion over all.
The totality of the House of Lies is apparent in fact that most people trapped within it can't even perceive its existence. And not just FTS-2s. A lot of those who distrust corrupt authorities can't accept that the entire socio-cultural apparatus is a decomposing sham. Mainstream critics across the spectrum lack the frame of reference to even address what they're seeing.
Consider the bloviating functional retards that sagely analyze a "post truth" world. Then consider that a "post truth world" is literally, ontologically impossible. Truth IS, regardless of the acceptance of fleeting mortal specks. The best you can do is a "denial of truth culture". A liars' playground.
By addressing the world as somehow post-truth - apart from the liars driving it into the ground - is to accept the liars' own frame of reference. That the existence of truth can be thought of as a time period. And once you accept their master lie, it becomes impossible to even understand what is happening, let alone call it out.
The idea that the nature of time is conditional on human cultural patterns is itself an example of secular transcendent Flatland thinking. The only thing that determines periods on the standard mainstream historical timeline is the amount of collective ontological and epistemological delusion. Here's when we accepted reality. Here's when we rejected reality in aspects of culture but kept engineering. Here's when we pretended reality didn't exist altogether.
Or put graphically...
Remember, secular transcendence is based on the original satanic inversion / error of auto-idolatry. Of claiming to be your own god and elevate will over reality. It's a sin of pride at heart. The beast system standard timeline is reified pride - that our current state is a progress or evolution. The reality is descent into solipsistic delusion, flight from reality, collective retardery, and ultimately cultural collapse. And that transposition from objectivity to subjectivity is the driving force. It just takes time to fully realize.
That's why collapse doesn't happen immediately. It's a historically recent enough turn in the West that the consequences are just hitting now. Commitment to empirical science and engineering allowed for technical advances and colonial exploitation that created material expansion and papered over moral hollowing out. Enough people retained a link to cultural Christianity even as churches converged and corrupted - to maintain the appearance of moral societies. But like a decaying property, the appearance of normalcy only continues until it can't. And once objective reality on the ultimate reality-faith level is abandoned, the eventual degeneration is inevitable.
Abandoned buildings can appear relatively sound until they collapse. Rot - physical or cultural - is cumulative but shows suddenly. Healthy structures have a degree of resilience that has to be overcome before the damage really shows. But then it's quickly catastrophic.
In a Fallen world, moral and physical entropy are operant conditions. Without a steady moral compass oriented towards objective truth, this happens.
The House of Lies gains purchase, ironically enough, because truth is real. That reality is an ontological hierarchy known by observation, logic, and faith doesn't stop being true because demons and idiots ignore it. And we remain correspondingly hierarchical creatures - body, mind, soul - whether we choose to wallow in the animal secular transcendent slop instead of recognizing what being Created in the image of God means.
And this means that if deprived of our rightful guides, we will turn to false ones.
Think how much modern "faith" is in things that contradict observation and/or reason. Not knowledge that lies beyond what can be known empirically or rationally. But claims that are empirically or rationally false. Beyond != opposite. A legitimate epistemology of faith expands what can be known observationally or rationally. It doesn't require acceptance of illogic or denial of sensory data. Because in reality, ontology may be stratified but it is coherent. It's all Creation, that the Logos that manifests differently on different levels is all an extension of Truth. That which is real - on any ontological level or by any epistemological mode - is true, and that which is true is real.
But without Truth there is no anchor or measure for a continuum of truths. And no impetus to conform to it if there was. Only subjective will, and the power to impose it on those who can't resist.
Band building blocks like de-moralization and secular transcendence are abstract formations. They're processes and patterns that we can observe and describe. In order to practically apply them - turn them into a mass formation like the House of Lies - there has to be a conduit mechanism. A meta-medium able to replace reality for a sufficient percentage of the population. There is no beast system without centralization.
Centralization - like the beast system in general - is hierarchical and integrated. Layers within layers. Oblivious dwellers in the House of Lies pretend it's an option - like whether a "centralized" or "decentralized" workplace is preferable.
On the lowest level this is a viable choice. But this isn't what we are talking about.
Both use the same internet, the same tech companies, consume the same media, exist under the same governmental, social, and financial structures...
What we are referring to is mass or macro-scale societal centralization. Mass media, global logistics, centralized telecommunications, finance, education, science and technology. Databases and surveillance. The way all aspects of mainstream society are controlled by the same networked entities. How there is no meaningful competing alternatives in any of them. Or how the preferred narrative is suddenly piped through every thread in the societal fabric.
Any complex system needs some sort of structured organization. Always have. But what changed in the 20th century to make the beast system possible was technology. Ironically, the fruits of that same empirically sound engineering that countered rising secular transcendence made the House of Lies.
Earlier centralization was limited by the speed and nature of information transfer. Ancient societies were hierarchically organized for efficiency but was limited to direct human contact. How fast can a letter be transferred. Public monuments and statues could convey ideas to larger groups, but were still limited to line of sight and direct experience.
The printing press introduces the first effective technology for mass mechanical reproduction. The same body of information can be replicated and disseminated with unprecedented speed, range, and accuracy.
Not surprisingly, massive changes like the heretical Hermetic secular transcendence of the Renaissance and the fracturing of Christendom in the Reformation were powered by this new technology.
Broadcast media took it up another level with shared real-time experience. Print media was consumed on your time with time for reflection. A broadcast audience was unified and swept up in someone else's false reality.
But television was the direct precursor to the House of Lies. An immersive, audio-visual fake reality with mesmerizing properties beamed directly into the home. The "watching [aptly named] program" model has carried into the digital age.
Digital media enhanced the mesmeric effect of t.v. while extending the illusion of control. Look at all the options!
Yet all somehow disseminating the same beast narratives.
That's the centralized information control. It's not just that the bulk of information flow is controlled by the same handful of globalist players. It's that even those few players all follow the same script. All belong to the same elite networks. All serve the same head table. And all push the same toxic, globalist, reality-denying lies. This is the centralization - across media of all kinds and every other branch of mainstream society - that is needed to build a House of Lies.
Consider. Actual reality is consistent.
Therefore, fake realities need illusions of consistency to be convincing.
The vertical integration of the House of Lies makes that possible. The same falsehoods come through all the organs of the beast system and mutually reinforce each other. Fake experts from universities or "professional" boards and are used to support fake conclusions from beast courts and reality-denying laws from beast-dancing politicians. At the epistemological level, secular transcendence replaces logic and empirical observation and trickles down through every level of media.
None of this is possible without centralized governing, accrediting, and authorizing bodies. Institutions can be twisted from their original purpose with any number of fake or pernicious ideologies tacked on. Centralization prevents any competing alternative and ensures that only the one lying structure is authorized to continue.
Remember the representation-reality inversion? Having a credential instead of knowing the truth as measure of expertise is a perfect example of that. Without centralization, truthful alternatives would destroy beast lies.
About those representation and reality posts - here's some reality... Without mass centralization, representation can't replace reality in a universal way. It doesn't have the means to simulate the consistency of truth everywhere at once.
Centralization is the single most important tool in the House of Lies. Without it, there can be no beast system.
Centralization is the necessary condition for constructing a fully integrated false reality. Corporations, education, government, media, technology, etc. in lockstep, piped through glowing screens while idiot masses drool along. FTS-2 also moving in lockstep with fruit fly-tier memories instantly forgetting every past inconsistency and contradiction while embracing the latest lie. All in an Idiocracy of unearned abundance with an incalculable death toll if the power ever goes out.
Actually think for a moment what it is that the beast system peddles and what motivates the average consumerist chud.
Fear is the goad. In the last post on the functionally two species model, we noted how desire and fear combine to send the de-moralized, memoryless, FTS-2 protoplasm lurching this way and that. Reacting to whatever momentary stimulus the House of Lies prioritizes, with total disregard for the previous impulse. Without an objective anchor in faith, FTS-2 will do anything for a bit more stuff or to stave off the abyss for another minute of mindless consumption. No past or future consciousness, definitely no internal coherence in thought or worldview. Every instant a disconnected reaction to some contrived emotion.
The centralized nature of the House of Lies lets it maintain the steady drumbeat of fears through the glowing screens. Nothing that can ever be dealt with in a sensible way - just constant stress over retarded thing X. And whatever contrived activities that supposedly make the fear go away.
This is critical. The fear created by the centralized fake reality of the House of Lies is what drives people FTS-2 do almost anything to make it stop.
To be more clear, the centralized fake reality of the House of Lies is a false empiricism. Tt conforms to the superficial structure of an empirical relationship without the content, logical consistency, object permanence, and other qualities that real empirical observation possesses. Because what you see naturally becomes replaced by what the glowing screens and narrative engineers say. We saw in the last post that fear-driven huffers leaping mindlessly from lie to lie actually take the screens as more materially real than what they see directly.
They take transmissions from the House of Lies as if they were actual empirical data. Put it together and the whole fear-driving huffing process resembles a logical sequence stripped of truth-value. Internal or external.
Start by looking a simple logical sequence for responding to a real threat.
A real danger presents itself leading to the development of an effective response leading to support for the response and its proponents. Makes perfect sense, not much to add. Now see how the House of Lies presents the same structure to the FTS-2 huffers, only none of the steps are real as presented and none of the connections logically follow. Because the actual threat is the House of Lies itself, and the purpose of the fake fear is to induce something the huffers would be reluctant to do otherwise.
The "pandemic" is a fabulous example of a fake fear. The climate of official illogic, inconsistency, and outright lies combined with censorship makes it obvious that the official narrative is bogus. But conclusions can be drawn from larger patterns. The Band believes that there is a virus in circulation - at the very least a disease with of similar severity but with somewhat different symptoms from a bad flu. Coronaviruses are common, but this variant was probably bioengineered, likely by American- based globalist / depopulationists with aid from Chinese and other assets. More specific details are speculative and irrelevant to this post. What matters is that there is a real disease and that it is not that serious.
How does this become the reason to vaporize huge swaths of the world economy, consolidate vast resources in globalist hands, curtail basic established freedoms, and enforce dehumanizing and dangerous practices with no positive effects on entire populations? There's no logical connection between the "threat" such as it is and the demented "responses". Enter manufactured fake fear.
The thing to remember is that FTS-2 dosn't just think lies on a glowing screen are more real than empirical observation and sound logic. They also have no functional memory. Oh they remember flashes and impulses - feelings mainly - but no working sequence of events or ideas that can be used to create context or make relational judgments. Only selective disconnected impressions - like the fractured consciousness of a wetbrain alcoholic. This is a critical part of the fake reality construction.
FTS-2 narrative huffers will remember how something made them feel but can't analyze or process it as part of a larger context or in relation to later events.
They just know "something is terrifying" without being able to assess if it is legitimate or even why it is. This is dangerous because if a fake trauma makes an impact, the fear will linger indefinitely regardless of what is real or what happens later.
FTS-1s will remember the absurd videos of people supposedly dropping dead in China. This was clearly fake, but the impression of sudden death impressed itself on the flaccid minds of the huffers. This bootless fear lingered despite everything that happened after. It was a huge part of why the relatively harmless "pandemic" caused the gibbering masses knuckle under dyscivic tyranny because fear.
At least the Daily Mail considered the possibility that it wasn't legit.
Pure beast shills like embarrassing propaganda rag The Guardian used this obviously staged photo to actively stoke the fear. The House of Lies in action.
So a manufactured fake fear. And a disconnected memory of a feeling that shapes all subsequent reactions to the topic. Every mention, every cartoon sputnik recalls that initial dread and the desire to do anything to make it go away. Then there's the actual fatality rate, but that requires relational appraisal of the original mindless fear. Something FTS-2 can't do.
Enter the fake relief. Fleeting illusion of safety until the next fear wave. And the realization that logical consistency had no place at all in FTS=2 world view or thought process.
The fear-driving process is structured like a logic sequence, but because none of the steps are real, nothing follows logically the way it would in an actual syllogism. But huffers uptake the lies and remember only the feelings of fear so they respond as if it did.
The result actually reverses logical response to empirically real phenomena. It's inversion, to the surprise of none of our readers.
In reality, something happens and is empirically observed. Responses are calibrated to the event. Things that are ineffective are changed, things that work are repeated. When formalized and controlled this is the Scientific Method. But it's also just life in reality. You're tired, so you go to bed. The gas gauge is low so you fill up. It's raining out, so grab an umbrella. You need a part so you look up where to find it, etc. It's so common and simple that it feels weird to spell it out.
The pattern - real event begets rational response.
Hole in the wall? Patch it. Rational response, problem solved.
But the fake empiricism in the House of Lies uses manufactured fear - fear that can linger with no actual reason for months or even years - to generate a desired response without a real event to cause it. The huffers take action because of an unreal chimera on a glowing screen. A response without a real stimulus.
This is like magic - where words or "spells" induce the dupe to create the very thing that didn't previously exist by reacting as if it is real. Acting on the unreal fear on the the glowing screen makes it effectively real.
Thought experiment.
Suppose satanic depopulationists consider the number of functionally useless FTS-2s in the world and project the consequences of their continually increasing numbers.
They decide that it would be beneficial if this population were to shoot up a new toxic brew that may check the growth by raising mortality say 40%.
Nobody will just choose to do that - even the most evacuated huffers have a desire to live and consume. You could bribe them to take the chance - but that gets awfully expensive.
But suppose you manufacture and centrally disseminate mindless fear over a trivial viral infection through every channel of the House of Lies. Lather the FTS-2s into gibbering idiocy - even by their standards.
You've now got the fake reality to serve as the stimulus.
Then tell them the toxic brew will "save" them. It won't but that doesn't matter because they have fruit-fly tier memories and you can keep changing the claims. You'll be immune can become you'll protect others can become you'll stay out of the hospital etc.
The details don't matter because they're functionally retarded. All you need to do is maintain the fear pressure and keep repeating that the brew will save them because reasons.
Then support - not only will they shoot up raise those mortality rates up like you originally wanted. They'll apply pressure to get smarter people to take the same toxin. Because it will save them provide a temporary respite from the fear.
The fact that the fear was nothing to be afraid of and the fix less than useless is irrelevant. Because it has nothing to do with epidemiology or public health. It never did. It's about long-term mortality rates and population control. And using the fake reality of the House of Lies to construct a fake logic chain to impel the huffers to do something they would otherwise balk at for reasons that don't actually exist.
It's not a new concept. False claims to impel people to do something counterproductive is the basis of any number of scams. What differentiates the fake empirical sequence is the use of mass fake formations pumped through the mainstream "information" pathways of the house of lies.
But there's more. To make the fear really take hold, the huffers have to bring it off the glowing screens and make it part of their real empirical reality. Getting shot up with toxic brew is too much of a one-off to really become habitual in a daily behavior modifying way. There's boosting, but repeated exposure will make the auto-immune harm obvious. It's too drastic. The Band suspects another assault on bodily autonomy and long-term health in response to another nonsense fake fear will come.
We're talking about internalizing the fake fear by making it part of everyday life. Because to get the huffers to the point where they'll commit to - even defend - playing Russian roulette with their hearts and immune systems, it helps if the fake threat is more than dancing lights on a glowing screen. It has to be part of their unthinking, unexamined physical existence. Like a tedious commute to a busywork job or consumption of nutritionally empty processed food.
That is, real kinetic engagement. Where people change their daily behavior in ways that "respond" to the fake fear. It doesn't matter that it's irrelevant - the whole thing is fake. What matters is that the huffers act differently or do different things that make it seem as if the fake fear is a constant looming threat that they have to hold at bay. Read that again. By modifying their being-in-the-world, the huffers create the circumstances that make it feel as if the fake fear is real.
We're all familiar with the particular brand of retardery known as "duck and cover". When school children were supposedly sheltering from atomic blasts by sitting under their desks. The Band is much too young to have engaged in this ourselves, but we - like most - have heard of it. And when we did, we - also like most - mentally cross-referenced sitting under a desk with the specs of an atomic blast and...
It's beyond useless. Beyond stupid. The younger Band just chalked it up to the ubiquitous collective idiocy in society that fueled our youthful cynicism and alienation. But our mistake was judging it according to its defensive potential in the event of a nuclear war.
It's a common mistake to confuse lies and malevolence with stupidity or incompetence. There is a profound difference - one group can learn or improve and the other does evil on purpose. Bringing things to their attention is pointless because they want the negative outcome.
The level of stupidity needed to propose duck and cover rules it out as an explanation. Huffers will mindlessly drool along, but the planners wouldn't be where they were if they were that objectively dumb.
The House of Lies is build on empty words. Talking heads on glowing screens. Bleating shills in written media online or in print. Saying things with no relation to objective reality but passively assumed to be more or less true. Realizing that the deception is constant and all narratives suspect didn't even occur to people who assumed their systems were more or less decent. Given the amount of background noise we filter out on a daily basis it's easy to go along with the "experts". The Band did until it became too obvious to even passively ignore. So we - and we assume most people - took the claims that duck and cover is a defensive maneuver at face value. There are even some useful dupes who will try and smart boy out spurious reasons why it might be worthwhile. We'll explain why this sort of superficial beast-huffing "analysis" misses the point.
But the only logical truth is that it has nothing to do with keeping children safe. The purpose is that real bodily investment we mentioned. Kinetic engagement.
If an A-Bomb Falls, 1951, distributed by the State of Delaware’s Department of Civil Defense
Now the Band isn't claiming that Cold War fears were necessarily fake, although there are questions that any thinking person should wonder about. Like why did the constant drumbeat of 'how to survive in a nuclear fireball' stuff just vanish when there are still thousands of warheads in the world in the hands of even more countries today? How come the atomic fear porn stopped even though the atomic arsenals didn't?
We suspect that the fear porn may have referenced real anger, but consider the ability of the individual to do anything about it. And the uselessness of the "advice". The only rational purpose is to inculcate a vague, constant, sense of helpless fear in the minds of the masses. Remember the last post - compliant, functionally mindless FTS-2 is created by a kind of public diffused trauma based mind control. And here's some trauma.
The alternative is to believe If an A-Bomb Falls, and expect cities to be suddenly annihilated, but hiding under a newspaper to save you...
Duck and cover has the same degree of real world credibility. The purpose is participation - kinetic bodily engagement - in an abnormal ritual that makes a state of fear or anxiety part of lived experience. And the lesson isn't "this will keep you safe". It's that you live under constant threat of annihilation but trust the government and do the ritual and you'll be "safe". What has proven to be fake fear + absolutely fake relief = support for demons.
Taking part in it becomes participatory internalization. Something you do that makes the absurd fake logic sequence part of your lived reality.
And it is idiotic. The Duck and Cover protocol was promoted by an inane "public service" short featuring a turtle avoiding a firecracker...
Duck and Cover, 1952
The House of Lies required mass centralization. The brainwash & trauma factory called "public school" did yeoman's work in forging FTS-2
This is what a mass-centralized fake fear-fake remedy-fake logic sequence looks like in application.
There's literally no logical way to proceed from this, to hiding under desks, to mass survival of thermonuclear war. Plant an existential fear, propose a nonsense reaction, trust the beast.
So a basic false relation in two parts. The fear - be constantly afraid of a looming apocalypse that can just disappear despite no nuclear disarmament. And the fix that would be utterly impotently pointless were the feared thing to happen - obeying government institutions and protocols, no matter how self-evidently idiotic. Trauma and misplaced trust-based malleability and compliance from an inability to think outside the centralized House of Lies.
But it's the acting it out as a collective group - the physical, kinetic group participation in the objectively useless ritual - that makes it stick. That makes it part of the psycho-social make-up.
The collective part is important. One person doing it is a lone weirdo. Mass participation normalizes it. It must be real - it's part of how we live! The dumbass "teacher" on left doesn't have a desk and is doomed to be vaporized. They did call them useful idiots.
Not that 'everybody's doin' it' makes it effective for safety. It's utterly useless as protection, but safety isn't the point. It makes it real to to the group. Something you all do. Something that you become bodily invested in. Something you're part of. And the assumption is that things everyone does - like brush their teeth or obey stop lights - has a purpose. Sanity and forthrightness as normative assumptions. The beast exploits this through the pattern we just mapped out.
Impressing it on schoolchildren is particularly insidious. Consider that school is an alienating and dehumanizing environment that strips children from nurturing family structures and subjects them to government indoctrination at the hands of too-frequently psychopathic strangers. The discursive relationship is entirely one way - whether you accept unquestionable authority determines punishment or receipt of hollow accolades. Artificial age-stratified socialization further isolates from organic social forces. The perfect crucible to instill any number of dyscivic - even self-destructive - perspectives.
Of course adults aren't immune to the retardery. The power of the House of Lies comes from it's comprehensive integration. When narrative-huffing FTS-2 zombies reinforce the inverted authority and beast rituals of institutions outside the home, the conditioning is even more powerful. To the point where a functionally different species in terms of relation to reality is created.
The Band possesses unusual mental gifts and it took us a long time collectively to see through out conditioning.
Conditioning is nothing new. The point we are making here is that the House of Lies enhances conditioning through physically acting a fake scenario into your objective reality. The abnormal states of being afraid and looking to a monstrous inhuman bureaucracy to save you become part of your everyday lived experience.
These fake rituals psychologically scarred an entire generation permanently.
Sing-alongs are a valuable tool in any group programming arsenal. Like this but of compulsory self-owning from 1951. We've discussed music in earlier posts - how it is a formless mode of communication that instills pure emotion. Lyrics piggyback the message on to this rhetorical vehicle in a way that lasts.
Apparently having "Leo" in your first name was an important component of this,
Now think of masks. We initially wondered why the push for an utterly useless "protection" that not only has no impact on the spread of a disease that doesn't appear to transmit through aerial droplets, but is also uncomfortable and a potential breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Since there is no epidemiological or public health benefit, the reason for this dehumanizing discomfort ritual has to lie elsewhere. Our initial assumption was compliance training, but there is more than that. Masks create and maintain a stressful altered state that the wearer physically participates in.
What happens is an inversion - the opposite of what is claims. What's created in reality is not a remedy to a threat but the real cause of a traumatic altered state. This reinforces the fake plague by making things look and feel weird and different. And by taking part, the wearer sacrifices their own comfort, humanity, and potentially their health for fake safety from a fake peril.
Thought experiment.
Suppose satanic depopulationists consider the number of functionally useless FTS-2s in the world and project the consequences of their continually increasing numbers...
The unnecessary and less than useless discomfort is projected into "sacrificing" for personal safety. There's even an inverted religious impulse where inverted sacrifice - self-immolation for no purpose other than to fuel a monstrous lie - creates feelings of virtue.
Or that exquisite psycho-sexual humiliation that drives the cuck...
Think of the pattern. The masking ritual with its the discomfort and dehumanization is the participation - kinetic bodily engagement - in an abnormal ritual that makes a state of fear or anxiety part of lived experience.
Consider how despite almost two years of a supposed "pandemic" there are no noticeable signs of widespread illness other than on the glowing screens. How fake videos from China and misleading media accounts drive the fear that should come from... well... actual sick people.
FTS-1 looks around, notes no plague, and wants to get on with life. It would be infinitely harder to sell this flu-level virus as an enduring global threat even to FTS-2 were it not for armies of fear-crazed zombies shambling around and panting through useless masks. And without the fake fear of global threat, the mortality rate adjusting brew is a vastly harder sell. Without Christian virtue, it's not hard to see why the elites are hankering for a mass cull.
The power of the House of Lies then is more than one way transmissions through corrupt institutions and lying media. Though that is part of it. The full power comes from mass participation - from making it's preposterous untruths part of personal lived reality with hollow public rituals. The rituals are sold as a tonic to fear, which they aren't, and the result is both the fear and the false sense of salvation become tangible through doing. Huffers can't look away from social media. So how are they going to resist endemic lies that they are themselves actively taking part in making their reality?
They aren't.
There is a reason why the Band is not optimistic about things "getting better".
Massimiliano Alioto, Decadence, 2011, oil on canvas, private
Enter the House of Lies.