Enough time has passed to see where The Script is headed. Declowning & preparing for a post-collapse world at once. Plus base code formation, House of Lies history & more.
If you are new to the Band, this post is an introduction to the point of this blog that needs updating. Older posts are in the archive on the right. Shorter occult posts and other topics have menu pages above.
Comments are welcome, but moderated for obvious reasons. If you don't see it right away, don't worry. We check and it will be up there.
The Band has been too quiet lately. It's the ongoing problem of interrelated financial, social, and familial responsibility. Priorities and strategies advocated here are applied more intensely IRL. There hasn't been time for the metaphysics project, art posting, private social media, whatever The Band is, and a Substack. Not sure how to continue other than advocate patience. Shutting down platforms isn't appealing. For now there's some backlog to clear up. Mainly a Script check started over on Substack but turned out to be too long. So, refinement of what an early Script post called an "autarkic direction". We consider it essential to understanding what otherwise seems like chaos. And avoiding ironic confessionals like bleating about Trump's ego or the "Western allies". Only it grew into a longer reflection on the nature of NPCs and the House of Lies. The appeal of a blog is a place to share developing ideas in real time.
Here's the link to the first part of The Script check-in over on Substack. It covered the set-up and some domestic narrative stuff. Like the use of in/outgroup strategies to disrupt traditional opponent constituencies.
There are reasons we post on form and content. Practically speaking, there's no pattern recognition without it. A pattern is recurring configuration, organization, structure, etc. in different circumstances. Something that indicates the possibility of non-randomness. Obviously correlation != a causal relationship. But randomness is the absence of causal relationships. Recurring form shows the possibility of an inorganic connection. A sign to look closer.
In/outgrouping is a pattern that The Script uses frequently. The specifics are just examples. Look for it in other contexts going forward.
This post will will jump in with some emerging patterns on the geopolitical side Starting with the idea of an autarkic direction - one of the first things we noted after The Script became obvious. It was vague at the time. A pattern of leveling up at home and decoupling abroad. But that covers a wide range of activity - from hermit isolation to siloed Mercantilism to just prioritizing self-interest. Hence “direction” and not something more precise. Now that some data has accumulated, it’s possible to say a bit more. With the caveat being The Script is fast and misdirecting. It doesn’t want to let go of the House of Lies narrative control systems, just aim them towards productive ends. The Band's read has changed some over the last month. And probably will again if this doesn't get out soon.
The basics. Readers know that global polarization is inevitable and underway. As Clown World moves further into systemic collapse, independent powers are becoming assertive.
But it’s also obvious that no one wants to completely scrap the international system. At least not right away. Because this is new, there isn’t a term for it. The historical analogies are all lacking in the details or contextuals.
One thing that has turned us off most of the commentariat we formerly paid attention to is the CLI inability to grasp Script rhetorical communication. The number of functional retards waving around incongruities and dialectical contradictions in Trump's tweets and statements is depressing. It's been repeated many times that rhetoric is unrelated to truth value by nature. Definitionally. But we've come to realize that the comprehensibility of that statement isn't as universal as assumed. More pedantically, it means a rhetorical statement has no expectation of facticity, accuracy, internal or external coherence, sincerity, logic, or any thing else that comes to mind when "truth value" is considered. The goal is emotional response. That’s it. Another anpparent obviousness that needs expanding.
Emotional response is a big part of misdirection. Anyone left aflutter trying to logically parse rhetoric has removed themselves from the comprehension pool. And smugly self-pwning at pointing out the errors doesn’t change that. Unintentional comedy notwithstanding. We know the Arthurian knights didn’t really clop coconuts. The way to avoid this is to track directions and patterns in actions. In what is happening. Across multiple domains at once. By the fruits.
For example. Consider the amount of vaporing over the specifics of Script economic policy. But the specifics are what get wrapped in rhetorical contradictions and misdirection. There is something oddly compelling for midwits about dithering over minutia without considering broader relevance.
As a reality pattern, tariffs and sanctions both break globalist integration.
One isolates the perpetuator, the other isolates a target, but both are directionally opposed to Empire, globalism, or any other one world monstrosity. No idea the specifics, but no global integrationists is championing these tools.
Throw in the growing break with Clown Europe and interest in regional resources in Canada and Greenland. Border control and deporting illegals. Promoting energy and industrialization. There are a lot of outcomes, but at this point, anything worth reading has to recognize this total reversal of integrationist direction. We realize that [Progress! to Babel] is hard coded in NPC base codes. But readers aren't NPC. It you aren't grasping this yet, learn.
As a pattern behind discrete events, it looks like this.
The thing about patterns is that they come with qualifiers. Consider confusion over the aggressive self-interest of Script international relations. They aren't looking for some pseudo-libertarian family of equal nations. It calls to mind a 2000s version of Great Power assertiveness. Interestingly, this also baffles the one-note Hegemon-obsessed foreign chatterati. It's our armchair impression that Clown World assigned different roles to different regions. One of the US's was military enforcement. To the surface skimmers the two looked the same, Hence
[inability to recognize the conflict between Script and Clown]
[inability to recognize a declowned US asserting its interests]
In both cases, the US is throwing weight around. But for totally different reasons. Reasons that are essential to what's coming. Basically, something close to a Great Power competition, adapted to 21st-century realities. Or as we posted elsewhere, consider Script action towards Ukraine from the lens of wanting to weaken Russia and the EU.
But before getting into that, some consideration of this new economic direction.
It looks like a quasi-mercantilist type direction, just without the New France-British Raj style colonialism. The "national interest" there was mother country. Colonies were under direct rule, but treated as hosts, not nationals.
This looks to keep strategic trade, but subordinated to national interests with [regulated] Great Power direct engagement.
Interconnected technology and logistics can't go back in the bottle.
Instead of colonies, something like less formal spheres of relative influence or priority. Where the poles in polarization power engage with lesser allies of convenience. Unofficial or official blocs are possible as well. In any case, cutting foreign dependents, trade warring with China, joint ventures with Russia, and crushing Canada are only confusing from the binary [good/bad], [garden/jungle], [our democracy/literally Hitler] Clown-Retard paradigm. From the semi-autarkic Great Power perspective, it’s a lot more coherent. More charitably, the dynamics are made confusing by the nature of modern globalism.
Readers know that the Band recognizes the ontological necessity of metaphysical levels of reality. It's the point of the metaphysics project that's finely near revival. And that those metaphysical realities include objective truth and by extension, morality. Consider that Abstracts like metaphysical realities have to manifest Materially to be directly empirically observable. And the state of Material Reality is observably temporal, constrained, prone to decay, and, in biblical terms, Fallen [click for the post]. As Christians, the Band assumes the Fallen world reflects nature of its ruler and Fallen archetype, the Prince of this World.
Enrique Serra y Auque, Sunset in the Pontine Marshes, before 1918, oil on canvas, private
It's common knowledge human failure and evil fall into recurring patterns. Individually and collectively. One of the broadest of these would be what's sometimes called the Empire that Never Ends or what Tolkien called the Shadow. Clown world is the latest iteration, but every one is distinguishable by wickedness.
Building the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:4), from Charles Foster, Bible Pictures with Brief Descriptions, 1897, Philadelphia, PA
Values deliberately opposite any objective notion of good. Secular materialists balk at metaphysics, but they're ontologically self-gelded.
The drive to dominate transgresses a lot of moral levels - reversing the demonstration of Babel. And tearing down the nations seems to slide easily into all kinds of abominations. Moral entropy in a Fallen temporalized world ensures once the hard rules are set aside the decline is steady. Because the ultimate inversion is the destruction of Creation and all the distinctions, categories, parameters, and natural laws that define its base existence.
We've stated before that Clown World was a new kind of postmodern empire. Global in ambition, but via a web of centralized information and institutional control. And a vertically-integrated fake reality transmitted through them. Not active military occupation of national capitals. It's why we call it the terminal metastasis of the House of Lies. Clown World's total inversion was only possible by pushing the already-false delusion bubble of the House of Lies to the extreme.
Ken Zylla, Crossroads, print
It is true that the metaphysical inversion is an Enlightenment joint. The old be your own god promethean luciferianism of our Occult posts. The Deist Masonic "Creator" in the Constitution that spelled so much downstream trouble for the posterity. But it was observably possible for that structure to coexist with an organic, productive culture.
For a time. The problem is, as readers know, moral entropy. Once the ontological frame is ignored, there's no objective, Abstract break on Fallen human bottom-seeking. The x-factor for timeframes is the speed of information flow.
Sandro Botticelli, Saint Augustine in His Study, 1480, fresco, Church of Ognissanti, Florence
In an example of history echoing, the degeneration path is familiar. Tracing the beast system back further lands on the Renaissance as ideological precursor [Quick aside. Focus on the influence on downstream cultural direction, not instant impact. This is a top-down ideology]. The early humanists were Christians who wanted to augment a medieval system that prioritized the theological with human accomplishments. The taste for antiquity was personal and materialistic. It is true that medieval theology had become somewhat sclerotic, but that's a technical issue. Not an ontological one.
Depicting Augustine as a Renaissance humanist scholar shows the perceived compatibility. Contrast with the Enlightenment take on religion.
In the broadest sense, the Renaissance subjectivized ontological values. Adding aesthetic preference to objective Truth at the top.
Renaissance [augmenting the divine with the human]
Enlightenment [replacing the divine with the human]
House of Lies [coexisting with organic, prosperous culture]
Clown World [replacing organic, prosperous culture]
This was only possible because the House of Lies had been internalized as foundational truth for most of the West. There was no objective commitment to reality to arrest steady drift. So that by the time the Clowns went full retard, most couldn't even articulate why they were unsettled. NPCs gonna NPC. Clown World feeds on it. But it really is insidious and decentralized. Hard to pin down or sum up when you do see it. Occupying familiar, emotionally resonant base code structures and inverting them, destroying them, or both. Most generic idiots encountered IRL don’t believe it exists. Calling it a metastasis of the House of Lies isn’t just rhetoric. Like a terminal illness, it’s perfectly aligned with the host’s vulnerabilities. In this case CLI and screen dependence.
The fakeness of the metastatic [boil the frog + plausible deniability] strategy opens vulnerabilities though. Break it down visually since it is so singular in its form. Start with a “post colonial” world divided into independent countries. Quotes because the structures of empire never really vanished. It morphed into an unofficial control system made of financial, information, aid, occasional military, and NGO components. These conveniently merged with the similar extra-governmental structures of Cold War polarity. To the point where “aid” and de facto control were one and the same. Anyhow...
Borders sometimes change but independent countries are the assumed norm.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this morphed into monopolarity. The Clown World order. What makes it confusing are the two parallel power structures. The national governments and the supranational system laid over them.
Clown World is a fetid, supra-national overlay that denies its own authority. Ironically, the closest precedent may be the Soviet control over its satellites.
The system subverts the governments while maintaining the illusion of independence. Most NPCs don’t even know how their domestic governance actually works. It’s why the simpler foreign commentators confuse “America” with “the Hegemon”. One’s a host. One’s a parasite. Clown World feigns “national consensus”, but there’s nothing of the nations in their malevolence. The danger is if they uncoopt - say, by a Script - they’re organized, powerful opposition structures. The globalist systemic collapse and inevitable polarization that's been obvious for a while is exactly this.
China and Russia cast off their Clown dalliances and became oppositional. Gathering other outcasts and excludeds.
Now the Script is restoring governmental independence from tattered Clown overlay. Transforming the US from a fake national agent until a real one. The conflict with the Clown/SJWs in the US is the same conflict with the Clowns in Europe. A powerful province breaking free from a trap, then turning on the trapper - without sinking the economy.
The historically interested should snapshot this moment in time. This is as clearly as I’ve been able to visualize the changing historical eras. The tattered remnants of the Clown Global overlay alongside ascendant independent national powers. The birth of a new multipolar order of competing interests.
It’s impossible to track what’s going on without recognizing the superimposed power structures. National governments controlled by Clown overlay. Russia and China now operate as actual governments. Note how the SMO is presented as imperialist Russia attacking an independent democratic Ukraine with NATO as helpful friends. The reality is that the conflict is between an independent national Russia and an unaccountable globalist control network directing puppet states. Any wonder the chatteratti are struggling? .
This graphic from an earlier post captures the conflict dynamics.
The Script is moving against Clown World from the inside initially. Once the US is secured, it will move against it internationally. Russia and China are already moving against it internationally. There is a common purpose in the opposition to that globalist monstrosity.
But this does not assume friendship, alliance, common cause, or Small World kumbaya.
In a multi-polar system, national interests are preeminent and conflicts often multi-directional.
Polarization means getting rid of infantile good guy/bad guy ideas of geopolitics. A government isn't a person. Obviously government should be an organic extension of a culture and that should be morally guided. If it desires long-term viability, that it. But part of the moral imperative for a ruler is behavior that’s also best for your country. Meaning that when a situation isn’t win win and someone has to get the short straw, it isn’t your people. Note the international outrage over the US asserting interest over perpetual milk cowdom. It's indicative of how deeply ingrained globalism is.
Russia smashed direct Clown provocation militarily and precipitated this collapse a few years ahead of schedule. China is supporting them, but also plays its own game. A less coercive globalism that respects national cultures but just happens to have the Middle Kingdom as main beneficiary. National interest in a networked system. Call it mercantilism, fascism, or any other old strategic economics. It's Great Power autarky. There is no larger assumed “us” beyond utilitarian recognition of international norms. No amenable authority. Just endlessly shifting priorities and alliances of convenience with security and stability relying on power and influence. Life in the West was presented as systemically stable for generations. The Cold War locked in a supra-governmental frame that became Clown World as binary struggle morphed into monopolarity. People have forgotten what Great Power multipolarity looks like.
L. M. Glackens, No Limit, cover art for Puck, 22 September 1909; Uncle Sam, William II, the German Emperor, Meiji, the Emperor of Japan, Armand Fallières, President of France, and Edward VII, King of Great Britain; "Japan: I see your cruisers and raise you a dreadnought!"
The Band's armchair take is that Clown World assigned roles to different regions. China manufactures, American military and finance, Russian resources, Global South bodies and resources, etc. With the locust always setting up in the greenest pastures. Europe was clearly supposed to have been to “moral” and ideological center. De-militarized, de-industrialized, and eventually deracinated. Neo-colonialism meets sorathic atavism on the corner of evil and stupid. Savor this brief moment where the weakling psychopaths still bleat magic spells as hard reality starts to set in.
This is closer to the frame that the Scriptwriters appear to be preparing for. There are technological and logistical aspects to the contemporary world that make early modern analogies imperfect. At this point, it's too early to be confident in one specific outcome because so much is in flux. Note how positioning on Ukraine keeps moving without an obvious viable goal. We can't stress enough how important it is not to take public Script statements as dialectal information. It isn't. It's tactical rhetoric. The specific reasons for each one depend on circumstance - triggering or motivating, probing, misdirecting, etc. Tracking patterns means remembering applicable things until they stop being applicable. And a foundational one for The Script is understanding CLI. NPC narrative engineering.
It's uncertain where the assumption [powerful geopolitical figures in complex conflicts managing systemic collapse with functionally retarded populations] treat social media as a personal confessional comes from. Just writing it out makes the idiocy painfully clear. Probably the same place as "trust in the media".
The belief that Trump raves unselfconsciously on X while ruling with an iron fist excludes the possibility of intelligent exchange. It's actually oxymoronic. Like the Russophrenic belief in the coexistence of pending collapse and existential threat. Fruit fly tier memory, limited conscious RAM, and emotional incontinence make contradictory "sincere convictions" easy.
The problem for information processors is that there's no way to derive truth out of pure rhetoric without seeing what actually happens. Then it's easy to make out which pointed accurately and the others were misdirection. Until then, note the general direction and ignore the chaff. A good rule of thumb is that any profession of certainty that starts with I think, feel, assume, etc. ought to stop there. Acknowledge when conviction is emotionally driven by desire or fear. It’s much more intellectually credible then the overwrought Nostradumbass routine that’s become endemic.
Wrap with a few observations about those uncertain current events after some recurring clarification.
Bertram Brooker, Sounds Assembling, 1928, oil on canvas, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Canada
Readers know The Script is neither driven by objective morality nor committed to ontological reality. Following it is a constant tracking process where emotional investment and preference are suppressed and proven errors revise patterns. No posturing, no future certainty, and no appeals to authority. Opinion is real, but anyone projecting future events on the basis of Trump’s personality is objectively too stupid for internet access.
There’s a point where self-indulgent ignorance and low intelligence become functionally synonymous. And human ability may be unrelated to virtue, but discussing complex systems has a floor.
Why [observation != opinion] is so hard to grasp seems puzzling. Not the sort of thing that hits the conceptual ceiling marked by the communication gap. Probably a result of informationless NPC communication processes. They can only be moved or directed by emotional pulses on screens. Making the idea of unemotional consideration literally beyond comprehension
Outsourcing thought to screens isn’t a metaphor. They believe they organically think whatever screen pulses align with their feelings. It must follow that NPC uploaded screen beliefs are inherently emotionally shaded. So they’re emotionally invested in everything they’re told to think. Rational, uninvested conversation isn’t possible. Something to keep in mind.
A few things make international reads especially fuzzy. First is The Script's domestic position. The primary focus is strengthening the US and reducing foreign responsibilities and entanglements. Meaning these moves have to be seen through the lens of internal priorities. It's easy to mock the foreign commentariat, but to be fair, "the global" has been such a point of emphasis in the House of Lies for so long, it's hard to process the alternative. And then there's the need to grasp what multipolarity is. There is no "us" and "them" groups. Each power is collaborating, competing, and jockeying with all the others simultaneously. Responding to circumstances with an eye on domestic outcomes.
The second complication is the misdirection. Constantly shifting positions makes it that much harder to suss out what the game actually is. One moment, it looks as if The Script is throwing in with Russia to death blow the Eurotrash. Rapprochement and resource deals. Then Ukraine cooperation is back on and Russia's the intransigent one for not tossing their clearly and consistently stated goals to let Ukraine get rearmed again. While the Band is sympathetic to the desire to stop the slaughter, refusal to even consider a) the causes of the conflict, b) the history of Clown lies and betrayal, c) the fact Russia hasn't modified its stated SMO goals at all, d) the malevolence of the Eurotrash "partners", and e) a Ukrainian strategic position akin to The Power that Preserves if Revelstone didn't have Lord Mhoram.
The Russians have described the West as not agreement capable. And consistently maintained the same SMO goals. But they have suggested a willingness to talk. We assume this is an opening offer. The apparent limitation is that Russia has no reason to dicker over anything. More in a moment.
Jason Lustig, The Used Car Salesman, 2021, flashe on cradled wood panel
Why the concept of "negotiating" is such a puzzler is an eternal mystery. One thing even Trump's critics agree on is his background in deal making. Some of his supporters see it as a weakness - seeking the deal when decisiveness is the better choice. Anyhow, put aside Ukraine in particular for a moment and think about dealing in general. Where does believing [the leader of a superpower opens negotiations on X with his final offer] fall on the mental cripple scale?
Pro tip. If this hits close to home, don't play cards for money. And bring someone along when shopping for big ticket items.
So far it has been imperative to understand how The Script directs narrative for things to make logical sense. What got our attention - and respect - at the beginning was how they grasped CLI and seamlessly directed the NPCs. It was evident by the fruits. Sailing past legitimate rational questions on an emotional preference cascade. Irritating because it means things move at narrative speed. Information processors see the problems and see the obvious solutions. Something to watch for is loss of momentum.
Another thing hovering in the back of the mind is The Script's disinterest in dismantling the Clown information control, narrative creation, and surveillance apparatus. It makes sense for several reasons - the big one being CLI. The masses can't self-govern. Literally. Screens think for them. Maintaining narrative guardrails is imperative, for Truman Show type reasons.
Peter Weir , director; Andrew Niccol, writer, The Truman Show, 1998
What's not applicable about The Truman Show is the framing. The premise is he's the dupe, living in fake reality for a mass audience who’s in the know. The premise is the usual beast "freedom" pap as Truman becomes fully aware.
The House of Lies is a Truman Show for the NPC collective. There is no "audience". Because mass self-awareness is made ridiculous by CLI. Direction is needed. The irony is that in the narrative, they're self-determining.
More strategically, why would an ascendant faction want to relinquish its control instruments? The Scriptwriters have their own futurist agenda. Trying to finesse this transition isn't easy. Although inflation is going the right way. Things that impact people directly have the most emotional resonance. In any case, [at the center of the House of Lies] is worth remembering if Script momentum dissipates.
Salvador Dali, Soft Watch at the Moment of First Explosion, 1954, oil on canvas
Substack-style personal anecdote. The Conductor possessed unusual cognitive-kinetic read & react abilities. This meant [degree of chaos] directly correlates to [competitive advantage]. The more order/the play breaks down, the more processing speed and agility determine success.
NPCs need screens to tell them what to think. Dialectic spergs can't see rhetoric. Clown World is a tower of puppets and mediocrities under central control. The more The Script can junk up the information ecosystem, the better their relative position.
Note that this isn't a claim that this what The Script is doing. It could be sputtering. It could be playing misdirection. This could be the [information-learning Band] mystified by NPC emotional direction via narrative. The point is that their communication and presentation patterns are indirect, hard to read, and could point in different realistic directions. Deal with this by seeing what happens, and not in an open-ended way. Legal challenges and cases do take time and The Script observably is playing in-system. But visible actions should be happening in the relatively near future. Whether they do will tell is which way it's going.
Thinking from an emotion-driven NPC narrative, punishment is necessary to make change real. Obviously, the Band considers it necessary for moral and logical reasons. But NPCs think in screen and can't chain data points. The closest they can come to internalizing the malevolence of Clown World is screens showing them [specific punishment X for specific crime Y]. There have been comments about investigations. These have to become wide, deep, visible, and impactful in the not-too-distant future. This is the most important thing to track short to medium-term.
Giuseppe Bernardino Bison, Convicts Taken to the Gallows in a Prison, before 1844, oil on canvas
Enough speculation on the rhetoric cloud - time will tell soon enough. Finish up by circling back to Ukraine and the fog billowing over that macabre circus. There are no clear answers yet. Which makes for a good example of informationless communication at work.
Consider how many of the chatterati are flustered - one way or another - over something The Script is doing. Taking rhetorical flip flopping as strategic revelation and fulminating in their own clouds of unknowing. More charitably, it's a multi-layered scenario and those are always opaque. Starting with the whole fake Clown narrative around Ukraine.
As the Band and others noted at the time, Ukraine slipped in as covid slipped out. We were speculating whether the NPCs could handle that level of heightened emotion that long. TDS kicking it all off.
The comparison is relevant for more than just the trauma. It's that all three were entirely fake narratives constructed whole cloth by beast media. With those who face reality occupying what seems like an entirely different world. Because it really is.
Anyone who exists in reality and tried to have a discussion with a narrative huffer is aware of House of Lies vertical integration. The way each part supports and reinforces each other. The news reflects what the institutions claims reflects politicians' initiatives reflects corporate policy reflects art and entertainment themes. The same nonsense in on every level from first principles to current events in every medium and venue through every channel. We use "House of Lies" because it’s a hermetic alternate reality that completely shelters the NPC from actual reality. With no access point for facts. And weird behavior patters when the illogic of the screen message is made obvious. Defensive anger. Or that psycho-physical glitch-reset to default that happens when an FTS-2 is hits an invisible fence.
We've come to realize the Cold War is an underrated part of creating the House of Lies. One of two necessary components that emerged historically at the same time.
Ralph Nelson, director; David Davidson & Judith Merril, writers, Atomic Attack, aired on The Motorola Television Hour, May 18, 1954
The first is the new centralized information technology we’ve posted extensively on in the past. TV was the Clown World ur-screen that reprogrammed cultural norms and peaked with the boomer wrecking ball. But that’s a vector, not narrative direction.
The Cold War imprinted the idea of a supra-national us/them paradigm as essential to survival.
Phyllis Thaxter raises the the important questions. Did every woman of the era look like this, or just most of them? And why is no one named "Phyllis" any more?
The Great Power analogy in this post calls attention to pre-Cold War history, up to the WW2 inflection point. The post-Westphalian West is an endless parade of political entities working for some sort of perceived national interest. Qualifiers because a lot if it was contrived and fake and we have no idea how to sift through all that. The point is that anyone with a pre-Clown school level of early modern history knows about the shifting mess of alliances against all-out colonial, military, and economic competition. It was the volatility of this system that led to the idea of some kind of global cooperation to stop the escalating destruction spiral.
Paul Hadol, Latest War Map of Europe, 1870, United States Library of Congress
The Thirty Years War had been the most destructive in Europe until the 20th century, when it got blown away twice. But before there was any time to process those horrors, the Iron Curtain dropped. Regardless of the specific details, the fruits were sudden. The Great Power age shut off like a light switch. And in their place were two hostile, expansionist blocs, believed to possess the power to end life on earth. That and a reservoirs of super-charged freedom propaganda.
One of the most striking things about writing the Band has been the speed of narrative change in the House of Lies.
Whether or not this was consciously clear from the start doesn’t really matter. Because the elasticity of the NPC capacity to dump and switch the RAM would have become practically obvious pretty fast.
Understanding how informationless CLI communication patterns work makes it a lot easier to fathom. FTS-2 is directed by emotional impulses from screens without rational considerations. Obviously that’s an abstract extreme – even the NPCiest NPC demonstrates logical learned behavior. Understanding how to don the mask or redeem proof of !vax for a donut. That’s what we call the base code to continue the computer allegory. The cluster of unconscious and subconscious assumptions, skills, and beliefs that allow for everyday life. Bronze Age NPCs knew how to farm or do a craft. Modern ones can drive to work, take a shower, or operate screens.
So to be materially honest, there is some “learning”. It just isn’t intellectually self-conscious or reactive in real time. It’s emotion-driven, in that the experiences need an emotional anchor to stick.
Modified diagram from older posts. It's pretty much all screen based - the House of Lies was built on the premise that a day of NPC busywork and consooming ends with hours of TV. It's why they can't differentiate it from reality. The base code is conditioned over time and adjusts slowly. The RAM runs on screen-activated base code archetypes and directs conscious behavior.
As for the purge/reload info dump. Consider how quickly dry task or book learning fades. No imagine if you couldn't have actually learned it...
CLI communication uses emotional cues to trigger base code reactions. It’s why whataboutism is more irritating than effective. The original topic is something stirred up by screens and filling the conscious RAM. It’s not a reasoned reaction to a set of facts. A new fact can’t even compute emotionally. The irritation comes from some surface awareness of the logic. But without an emotional base code hook, it can’t matter.
House of Lies vertical integration is also temporal. Meaning it operates over a long timeframe. Laying the base code dogmas that can be activated situationally at a future date. Sort of like Jungian archetypes but manufactured not naturally occurring. It’s why Clown World really is a metastasis. All its isms derive from the ideological inversions of the House of Lies pushed to atavistic extremes.
“Freedom” is a great example of impossible base code archetype. Foundational "belief" in something that can't actually exist and was really just cover for proto-Clown imperialism.
It's hard to say where to start with this 1952 pearl. The caption says FreedomGram encourages Americans to donate to the Campaign for Freedom, supporting Radio Free Europe. Boomers become more comprehensible when you realize how retarded and vapid the fake reality they were formed in was.
School children beneath the Freedom Bell in West Berlin, December 1958
The full Crusade for Freedom entry is worth a read. It's a remarkable window into how insane the early House of Lies was. This is full-spectrum, fully-centralized fake reality in it's youthful glory. Riding the wave of unique historical prosperity by pretending it was metaphysical. The wheels started coming off pretty quickly. But imagine this as immersive childhood imprinting shared by everyone. No wonder 60s radicalism found soft targets.
Stamp from the 1951 Crusade for Freedom campaign for Radio Free Europe.
But look deeper. "Freedom" as multifaith universalism. Base code programming isn't information based either. It's just not conscious. House of Lies "rebellion" can seem radical, but it's surface level. Appearances. Base code assumptions move way more slowly. Religion as irrelevant to national identity is Enlightenment luciferianism 101. And a necessary precursor to replacing the historic culture with magic paper civic nationalism.
Advertisement for Truth Dollars, a 1954 Crusade for Freedom fundraising campaign and a 1953 conference.
The collection recalls the old Spray of Symbols from the occult posts. Where a blast of unrelated or contradictory things are thrown together for rhetorical reasons. Sort of a trigger overload for the NPC limbic system. But cementing contradictions into the base code leaves the NPC permanently fragmented. there's no stable ground to ever stand on.
And that's one little corner.
Freedom is such a potent trigger because it flatters CLI impotence. They can’t realize the the inherent contradictions in a feel-good self-empowerment fantasy ideology. And they can’t take self-directed action no matter how dissatisfied with their circumstances. Any mythic identity that offers the warm cloak of real agency without actually having to do anything is a surefire winner.
Long story short the Cold War replaced the old “nation-state” competition paradigm with a supra-national bloc identity by dangling an existential threat. Two competing blocs transformed statecraft into a zero-sum game of with us or with the terrorists the Reds.
Looking back at the historical material for this post, it's amazing how all-pervasive the nuclear terror was. Powered through that absurdly simple-minded early House of Lies narrative machine. The prototype for unifying existential terrors yet to come.
Obviously, some threats are more existential than others, and [shadow outline on a ruined wall] scores fairly high.
The thing about the base code is that it is also emotionally programmed. Skills not used regularly are soon forgotten. They’re only used now out of necessity. To earn the scrip to watch the screen. Things that stick are burned in or out. What the screens do is use specifics to activate these patterns. The NPC doesn’t have to recall The Andromeda Strain or 28 Days or whatever particulars set [plague responses & assumptions] in the base code. They don’t even have to have seen any specific thing if the impression is generically clear enough across the House of Lies. So when the screens present [this new thing] in that way, all the emotional connotations in the pattern activate. And the RAM locks in on direction following.
It’s why public exposure and punishment for the liars is so important. The only way to insulate the NPCs from a repeat performance is introduce a new set of emotional meaning to the archetype.
Moral entropy requires consequences to avoid sliding into the abyss.
[Existential threat = supra-national unity] is the master geopolitical mechanism of Clown World. The problem was that the Cold Way may well have been a real existential threat. Regardless of the specifics and deceptions. After the collapse of the USSR and the end of the two bloc polarity, whatever truth there was to that became moot. The structure ceased to exist. The trans-national institutions morphed smoothly into Clown World. But some sort of existential fiction had to be manufactured to compel buy-in. The weather is a perennial fave. There have been many others. Even more specific targets like madmen Putin & Trump have to be ginned up into threats to life itself. Because without existential fear, NPCs opt for the more comfortable option.
Leonard Deakyn Warren, WE LEARN FROM HISTORY, Cincinnati Enquirer, May 1950
The details are endless. But the point is that the mass base code was emotionally programmed to accept extra-governmental power in the face of existential threat.
There are implications for event tracking. Things we’re following to see how they play out. Big picture, if the Scriptwriters understand CLI as well as shown so far, they know this. Meaning they won’t break narrative frame. This is problematic for for many on the reality-facing side of things. We know the game is fake. They know the game is fake. We know they know and they know we know. So what’s the point in working through the charade? Just can Europe, Andrew Jackson the corrupt judges, and publicly purge the criminals. The problem is the NPCs don’t know it.
Deviate from their base code frame and they’re susceptible to counter-programming that uses the old narratives. Base codes can be reprogrammed – the ongoing popularity of The Script is active proof. But it takes time and needs familiar markers. This means interpreting Script moves has to take this into consideration. The plus is that they’re less cucked than they first appear. The minus is that it’s difficult to read intentions behind a fog of narrative service.
In practical terms, watch for whether this continues. And give wacky statements time to play out. Russia has engaged the Scriptwriters in dialog despite the strong hand. It’s as high level a game as would be expected. Trump flips from bluster to an appeal for mercy on the behalf of trapped troops in Kursk. A group clearly marked for extermination due to the concentration of NATO embeds and the ghastly atrocities committed against civilians.
So Putin reacts by accepting surrender. Defanging the looming “monster” caricature by complimenting the sincere humanitarian concern and agreeing a slaughter would be terrible. Then offering a solution that fully meets the problem while preserving the tactical removal of the units and allowing war criminals to be punished and embeds to be interrogated.
Trump gets flattered, and if Zelenskyyyy doesn’t order the surrender, he’s isolated and frozen as the monster. It’s not like he has internal pressure making him do anything – the Russian troops are itching to deliver payback.
Ball’s in your court.
Anyhow, Ukraine was entirely a Clown fabrication for malevolent ends. And an excellent illustration of the fake reality construction process at work. A linked chain of lies maintaining an inverted narrative powered by conditioned base code icons. Inverted isn’t hyperbole here. Call it Ukraine! It wasn’t just dishonest or skewed. It was a total reversal of the truth from the jump. Impressive really. USAID propaganda beamed through political puppets and beast media. Reinforced by hosts of [accessory to mass murder] social media accounts. The flash mob mania of the little flags. Then maintained by the same players through the same channels for years. It’s far too integrated for a post. Let one of the excellent longform analysts on the internet do that. So just highlight some landmarks and the big base code archetypes activated in them.
It’s a testimony to the changing tech landscape that Clown World was undermined by the comparative freedom of even a regulated internet. It needed to pinnacle analog infotech platform – TV. The new paradigm was beyond it. It had to be. It wasn’t imagined when the old control system congealed. Note how Clown success online correlated to the degree internet experience resembled TV.
The beginning. NATO repeatedly violated its agreements not to expand eastward. This obviously presents an existential threat to Russia. The role of Ukraine in postmodern conquest isn't a secret. Nor was the longterm agenda.
Note Russian insistence on this point.
Consider that after the end of the Cold War, Clown supra-national influence strip-mined the country and empowered the exploitative oligarchs. That the neo-Clown core hates Russia with a purity that borders on the metaphysical and have openly stated their desire for its destruction. And that they have particular animus for Putin who played their system before purging their influence and restoring Russia’s independent superpower status.
And even after all that, it took the insta-violation of the Maiden agreement and looming genocide of the Donbass Russians before the SMO happened.
The inversion is that Putler invaded a hapless bastion of democracy that dindu nuffin. If we don't stop thinking and spare no expense to stop them, it's the third Reich all over again!
Jack Kirby & Joe Simon, Captain America Comics #1, 1941
The reality is that Ukraine had been successfully color revolutioned and the cocaine addict midget fronted a Clown dirty tricks regime aimed at Russia. Literally Hitler has long been one of the most potent base code triggers. Not to mention plucky underdog/David and Goliath.
Two other archetypes that come into play here require understanding of CLI to fully accept. The Cold War imperialist Soviet threat. And Russia as useless land of corruption and drunken peasants. Call them USSR and Gas Station with Nukes. We read the term Russophrenia somewhere – can’t recall where or we’d link – for the simultaneous belief Russia is a threat to take over the world and a backwater on the edge of failure. NPCs can toggle between contradictions because they only hold one thing in the RAM at a time and don’t remember their last trigger.
Overall equation. The conditions on the battlefield were immediately turned upside down. The initial incursion was far smaller than a full-scale invasion. The premise appears to have been to end it quickly with favorable terms. Johnson’s shenanigans in Istanbul are well known. The full-on NATO proxy war that followed isn’t something the initial SMO was designed for. The first inversion is the NATO involvement. Despite 10 figure investments, the narrative was always heroic Ukraine just doing it.
Casualties. The starkest one is the casualties. Russian MOD figures are impartial if conservative, unlike the absolute fairy dust coming from “the West”. A 10:1 ratio in favor of Russia appears to be the rough average and comparable to their artillery advantage. At times it dipped lower – like when on the move against drone swarms and fixed positions after the ludicrous “counter-offensive”. Now it’s probably quite a bit higher as the front slow-mo collapses. All along, beast media presented the exact opposite. Which seems retarded given the unsustainability of the burn rate. It is retarded. But Clown World had a web of lies that could keep rolling for a while. Presumably until Russia “was defeated”. Without ever claiming how that happens beyond “funding”. At least once the arsenal ran out.
The narrative simply left out the part about the Russians destroying three and possibly four Ukrainian armies. The illusion of a single resistance force sustains the inverted casualty narrative. Even after the grandmothers downing Khinzals tales died down. Footage available online of enormous Ukrainian graveyards are consistent with WW1 type losses.
Russian Army. Inverted casualties meant reversing strategy and performance. After Wagner, Russia became as loss-averse as possible, given the intensity of the fighting. Ukraine was rounding up conscripts and sending them into meat grinders. But it’s the Russians who were presented as human wave barbarians fighting with shovels. The reality is that the Russian is now unparalleled as the world’s most formidable combined arms fighting force. Growing in size, backed by robust industrial production, and now versed in defeating NATO tech. Any negotiation takes place against the cold reality that no one can counter this.
Russian tech. The Clown narrative repeatedly promised some flower of Western ingenuity would turn the battle. And the Russians repeatedly demonstrated their hardware was better while learning to counter any new threat. And their rocketry is just next level. The hypersonics on down. The archetype for both of these is GSWN but also WW2 misrepresentation. The narrative is that the Soviets overwhelmed the Germans with sheer raw numbers. They did have a numeric advantage. But by war’s end, their equipment was better two. The compulsion to underestimate the quality of Russian soldiers and hardware an unhealthy one and stinks of cope.
Russian economy History shows the Clowns love running rigged games to make their inverted narratives appear to come true. We assume the sanctions were supposed to collapse the Russian economy while the still was a Ukrainian army to beatify.
The reality, of course, is that the Russian economy leveled up with industry and energy leading the way. Once this happened, there was no way for Ukraine to win. Russian ammunition production is several times NATO as a whole and growing.
Russian spirit. Efforts to present Putler as isolated, paranoid, crazy, etc. and attacking innocent neighbors because he’s a madman based on world domination should be too retarded to mention. But they aren’t. Clowns are in love with the fake [and then they rise up and overthrow] narrative. Triggers the American Revolution and Star Wars archetype in the base code. When in reality, he – and the SMO – are wildly popular across Russia’s far flung regions.
Clown era [and then they rise up and overthrow]s were all orchestrated. The people power a cover story for dirty tricks – dial-up insurgencies and color revolutions. That can then be used as further evidence of Progress to our democracy!. The problem for them is Russia has hardened against their narrative. The economic warfare backfired. The Prigozhin ploy failed to launch. Leaving the collapse narrative high and dry. And a resurgent Russia ready to give the finger to a sinking West.
The willful refusal to understand how Russia wages war. Once the quick strike SMO was blunted and NATO went all in on spooling up extra armies, the conflict changed. It became a war of attrition, not maneuver warfare. Beast media obsession with counter offensives and territory missed the fundamental point. Russia would cede territory to destroy men and equipment. Hence the ghastly causality ratio. Only beast media pretended the inverse, so the NPCs has no idea. Instead they could prance and gibber about Russian failure as NATOs arsenal and Ukrainian army were bled dry. Now that they’re sufficiently attrited, territory comes back on the table.
The sudden “turn” on the allies is nothing of the sort. They’re the same international Clown Imperialists that are still being smoked out domestically. Script vs. Clown always had an international dimension because it’s global structural overlay vs. an individual national government. That is necessarily domestic at first. But if the globalist enemies are routed at home, the fight continues abroad. Easy to see in past election meddling and the parade of losers passing through DC. [you must remain bound to our globalist whatever] vs. [no].
The decades of uniform systemic stability have shaped unconscious base code assumptions. Ideas like international affairs being driven by playground notions of “fairness”. Note the shock when Trump and Putin had a long phone call and decided to settle up on Europe themselves. No squeakers invited. Because everyone doesn’t get a voice when power is assertive. And Great Power multipolarity runs on asserting power.
There’s no choice. Without the superstructure, you are responsible for you. Diplomatic norms are actually being more strictly observed. It’s not the law of the jungle. But lip service is out. Not being on the hook for Europe means more resources for home. And no need to think about countering Russia’s continental war machine. Russia gets an end to endless nonsense on its border. Great Power polarity.
This is hardest on those laboring under fairness delusions.
The last post suggested that the current narrative change is part of a bigger socio-cultural paradigm shift. This is hardly an insight - futurists have been predicting tech would transform how we live for ages. The new part is connecting that to the way DOGE is dissolving Clown fortresses. It’s obvious now that technology is driving change in the old governance system. Which directly effects socio-culture. Especially given how much money was promoting dysgenic corrosion. And how many are screen-following NPCs. But that's a topic for another post. For now, take some pleasure in the awareness that these narrative engineers are far more conducive to healthy, organic life.
Not perfect. That isn't possible in this world. But good enough to lift some spirits before seeing where it goes to now.
Frederic Edwin Church, Our Banner in the Sky, 1861, oil on paper, Private collection